Alistair, The Females Who Initiate Divorce Are Typically Those Who Are Married To Socially And Economically Unsuccessful Males (Males With Low Social Status And A Low Paying Job). These Males Lack Social And Economic Success Because They Tend To Possess Lower Intelligence, Lower Conscientiousness, Lower Agreeableness, And Higher Neuroticism. These Personality Traits Also Correlate With A Greater Tendency For Divorce. So Female Initiated Divorce Is More A Function Of Their Male Mate's Low Social And Economic Achievement And Underlying Personality Traits Than It Is A Reflection Of The Female Divorcee's Personality Traits. In Other Words, Alistair, Males With Low Intelligence, Low Conscientiousness, Low Agreeableness, High Neuroticism Tend To Be Divorced By Their Wives Because These Traits Prevent Them From Attaining Social And Economic Success.
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Also women twice as likely to file for divorce. Commonly cited reasons for divorce are lack of commitment and infidelity
How can stressful life events show genetic influence? The questionnaire used in this study combined perceptions of whether an event occurred and how you respond to the event. Genetic influence on personality can affect both these perceptions. People differ in what they are willing to call a serious illness or injury, financial difficulty or relationship breakdown. Personality is especially involved in how much they feel these events affected them. Optimists might see these experiences through rose-coloured glasses, while pessimists see them in shades of grey.
What about stressful events themselves, free of perception? Divorce is an example of an objective event and one of the most stressful life events for most people. The first genetic study of divorce caused a stir. In a study of 1,500 pairs of adult twins, concordance for divorce was much greater for identical than for fraternal twins (55 per cent versus 16 per cent), suggesting substantial genetic influence on divorce. USA Today called this study 'the epitome of asinine' because it seemed preposterous to conclude that divorce is influenced by genetic factors. But is it the 'epitome of asinine' to think that the objective event of divorce could be influenced by our genetically rich differences in personality? To the contrary, I think it is unreasonable to assume that events like divorce are just things that happen to us, as if we have nothing to do with them.
I hope it is clear by now that, contrary to newspaper headlines at the time, this research is not saying that there is a 'divorce gene' that makes some people hard-wired to get divorced. Nor are there 'bad genes' that make some people poor prospects for stable marriages. Subsequent research has shown that certain personality traits account for a third of the genetic influence on divorce. Surprisingly, people are more likely to get divorce if they are joyful and engaged with life, emotional and impulsive. These are not bad aspects of personality - indeed, they might be the same good traits that make people desirable as marriage partners in the first place.
It has long been known that the offspring of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced themselves. Possible environmental explanations leap to mind, for example, living through their parents' divorce causes children to have relationship problems, or because they do not have good models for a stable relationship. However a recent adoption study in Sweden showed that the link between divorce in parents and divorce in their children is forged genetically, not environmentally. For a sample of 20,000 adopted individuals, the likelihood of divorce was greater if their biological mother, who did not rear the individual had later in life become divorce than if the adoptive parents who reared them had become divorced.
The heritability of divorce is about 40 per cent across studies. This is a long way from 100 percent, meaning that non-genetic factors are also important. However, the major systematic factor affecting divorce is genetics. in contrast, no environmental predictors of divorce have been identified in research after controlling for genetics.
So, divorce doesn't just happen by chance. We make or break our relationships. We are not just passive bystanders at the whim of events 'out there'. As always, genetic influence means just that - influence, not hard-wired genetic determinism. There are no schlimazel (Yiddish for 'crooked luck') genes that attract life's pies in the face.
...Parental divorce is the best predictor of children's divorce, but this correlation, easily interpreted as environmental, is entirely due to genetics...
(Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are)
Omen in your chromosomes? The divorce risk in adoptees was related to their biological parents’ AND siblings' divorce, but not to adoptive parents’ and siblings' divorce.
The Psychology of People Who Have Divorced Parents
16:50 Rehashes His Points Here.
If You Marry Outside Of Your Race There's A Greater Chance That That Marriage Will End In Divorce And This Is Primarily Due To Genetic Differences Between You And Your Spouse (Genetic Differences Leading To Psychological And Cultural Differences Between You And Your Spouse). This Fact Is Compounded When Your Spouse Comes From A Broken Home (Has Biological Parents That Have Divorced) Because When He/She's In A Marriage He/She'll Likely Act On Those "Likely To Divorce" Genes That She Inherited From Her Parents And Divorce You As Well!
Biology "plays a role" in whether or not you get divorced. Biology "plays a role" in your political attitudes. Biology "plays a role" in whether you are a criminal. Biology "plays a role" in everything.
Behavioural Genetics wins again.
“Children whose parents divorced have greater odds of getting divorced as adults. Some research suggests that there may be a genetic reason for this, as opposed to social learning.” —
"there was consistent evidence that genetic factors contributed to the intergenerational transmission of divorce but weaker evidence for a
rearing-environment effect of divorce" (N~100,000)
Nicole Barbaro Retweeted
Don't feel guilty, you didn't increase your kids' chances of divorce by getting divorced, you increased their chances of getting divorced at the moment of conception
"Married parents are more likely to stay together than cohabiting ones. Two-thirds of cohabiting parents split up before their child reaches age 12, compared with one quarter of married parents."
As the cultural importance of monogamy weakens, the stability of marriages increasingly relies on the individual efforts of the spouses involved.
Marriage has become more challenging to sustain due to the erosion of cultural and social supports that once upheld it.
When societal values collectively underscored the importance of marriage, it was easier to marry and remain married, as evidenced by the high and uniform marriage rates across social classes until the late 1960s. But when marriage is viewed as just one option among many, its sustainability is compromised.
In the past, most people "cooperated" by collectively agreeing on the value of marriage and monogamy. This societal cooperation provided stability and encouraged individuals to also cooperate. This cultivated a high-trust environment conducive to long-term monogamous relationships.
As cultural norms have shifted, the equilibrium has been disrupted.
The increasing prevalence of "defection" has led to a low-trust society, making it more difficult for individuals to commit to stable, long-term relationships. In such a scenario, even those who are predisposed to cooperate find it more challenging to do so because they can no longer rely on others to reciprocate with cooperative behavior.
When "defect" becomes the norm, the risks involved in "cooperating" increase. This reduces the likelihood of successful long-term commitments.
Gradually and then suddenly we have created a generation of people who are adept at withholding love and commitment for fear of being hurt or betrayed. Pretty solid and healthy system.
This is true, though permissive environments facilitate the expression of underlying genetic propensities. The divorce rate skyrocketed between 1960-1970. Genes didn't change; societal norms did.
"Today, the two-parent family is comparatively strong among the upper middle class, 90% of children live with two married parents. But among the poor and working class, respectively, 35% and 55% of children have the privilege of living in a married home."
% of children living with two parents both in their first marriage, by parent education
College graduates: 67%
High school graduates: 33%
i recommend Sex and the Citizen: How the Assault on Marriage Is Destroying Democracy to anyone who enjoys my content; it's as much evolutionary psychology and cultural history as a political book (that's at the end)
J Jonah Fails To Take Into Consideration The Genetic Component Of This. People That Marry And Remain Committed To One Another In A Monogamous Relationship Are Of A Different Genetic Makeup (i.e. They Have Different Personality Traits) Than Couples Who Don't Marry Or Couples Who Marry And Then Divorce! So All Of The Supposed Benefits That Marriage May Be Having On Children And Society As A Whole May Really Just Be A Reflection Of The Genes That The Marriage Oriented, Monogamous Mating Couples Have (Their Genes May Be The Reason Why Their Children Tend To Do Better And Why Society Tends To Function Better When There's An Abundance Of Their Genes In The Population).