Sunday, July 2, 2017


1:50 Small Differences In The Gene Code Can Make Very Big Changes. 
1:56 Even Being Separated By ONE Island Resulted In Distinct Subspecies [Race] Characteristics From Each Other.
Now Apply What You Just Listened To In The Link Above To The The Filipino Man In The Top Picture And The Hawaiian Man In The Bottom Picture. There Are Around 7,000 Islands In The Philippines And 8 Major Islands In Hawaii And For The Majority Of The Time They've Been Inhabited The Inhabitants Of Each Of These Islands Of The Philippines And The Inhabitants Of Each Of These Islands Of Hawaii Have Been ISOLATED FROM ONE ANOTHER (The Filipinos Isolated From The Filipinos, The Hawaiians Isolated From The Hawaiians, And Both The Filipinos And Hawaiians Isolated From Each Other). Hence, The People Of Each Individual Island Have Been Breeding Amongst Each Other (In-Breeding) For Generations Resulting In Genetic Mutations And Genetic Traits That Are Specific To Each Island. These Genetic Mutations And Genetic Traits Then Differentiate The Inhabitants Of One Island From Another Island (e.g. Genetic Traits That You Find On One Island May Not Be Found On Another Island Or May Only Be Found Among A Small Proportion Of The Population On That Other Island). 

So What Happened Once Traveling By Sea And Air Became Possible? You Had People Who Had Been Reproductively Isolated From One Another Coming Into Contact With One Another And Reproducing And When They'd Reproduce They'd Create Offspring Who Drew Genetic Traits From The Two Distinct Gene Pools Of Their Parent Populations (The Offspring Inherited Genetic Traits From The Two Genetically Distant Gene Pools That Their Parents Descended From). 

My Grandmother Was 5'9" And My Grandfather Was 5'7"!

This Is EXACTLY How My Father Was Created. His Parents Came From Two Genetically Distinct Populations That Had Been Separated From One Another For At Least 3,000 Years And Thus Inherited Physical And Psychological Traits That Are Specific To The Hawaiians Of Hilo And The Filipinos Of Homonhon Samar.
#11 The Rarity Of Half Hawaiian-Half Filipinos
 It's also possible that multiracial individuals are more likely to inherit
unusual combinations of traits, which might give some of them an advantage
at sports requiring talents that are normally conflicting.
 We are also using geographical distance as a proxy for genetic distance.

 A Hawaiian Male Possibly With A Little Chinese Or Japanese DNA. Or Maybe A Little Filipino Because He Looks A Little Like My Deceased Cousin Chappy!

"The social structure of tribal populations (such as ancestral Filipinos and ancestral Hawaiians) means that each group may consist of only a few tens of sexually mature individuals, and the number of potential partners may be even less as a few males monopolize the females." - Steve Dagampat Jones


We are about to abandon natural selection, the process that created us, in order to direct our own evolution by volitional selection - the process of redesigning our biology and human nature as we wish them to be. No longer will the prevalence of some genes (more precisely alleles, variations in codes of the same gene) over others be the result of environmental forces, most of which are beyond human control or even understanding. The genes and their prescribed traits can be what we choose. So - how about longer lives, enlarged memory, better vision, less aggressive behavior, superior athletic ability, pleasing body odor? The shopping list is endless.

An even more advanced form of  a volitional evolution, albeit indirect in cause, is the homogenization ongoing among the world populations by increased emigration and interracial marriage. The result is a massive redistribution of Homo sapiens genes. Genetic variation between populations is declining, genetic variation within populations is increasing, and, as an overall result, the genetic variation of the species as a whole is also increasing - the last dramatically so. These trends create a dilemma of volitional evolution likely to catch the attention of even the most myopic political think tanks in a few decades. Do we wish to guide the evolution of diversity in order to increase the frequency of desirable traits? (The Meaning of Human Existence
Among Europeans, inbreeding tends to be found both in the highest classes, among royalty, and at the highest altitudes, among hillbillies. An Italian ancestor of my wife`s was famous in his village in the Apennines as a true romantic because he wooed and won a girl from the town 1,500 feet in elevation down the mountainside. Most of the other local swains couldn`t be bothered with the long trek back uphill and therefore married village girls. Not surprisingly, the villagers tended to be short and a little unhealthy, until the generation after motorbus service first made the outside world conveniently accessible.

Interracial marriage is the surest cure for inbreeding. But it`s also close to overkill. Simply marrying somebody of the same race but from the next valley will eliminate most "inbreeding depression" in your kids.

"It appeared that he represented a one time configuration of genes, each one of which was essential for the brainy result, and that probabilities dictated could only have been duplicated in an identical twin...THE CHANCES OF AN OFFSPRING RECEIVING THE PRECISE CONFIGURATION THAT PRODUCED SUCH A RARE TRAIT IN THE PARENT IS EXTREMELY LOW. LIKEWISE, CHANCES ARE EXTREMELY LOW THAT IF ONE CHILD HAS THE RARE CONFIGURATION ANY SIBLING OR ANY OTHER RELATIVE WOULD HAVE IT..."

"Since each individual produced by the sexual process contains a unique set of genes, VERY EXCEPTIONAL COMBINATIONS OF GENES ARE UNLIKELY TO APPEAR TWICE EVEN WITHIN THE SAME FAMILY. SO IF GENIUS TO AN EXTENT IS HEREDITARY, IT WINKS ON AND OFF THROUGH THE GENE POOL IN A WAY THAT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO MEASURE OR PREDICT. Like Sisyphus rolling his boulder up and over to the top of the hill only to have it tumble down again, the human gene pool creates hereditary genius in many ways in many places only to have it come apart the next generation."

"Willing to do anything to keep in the spotlight, he took up controversial theories of eugenics, which undoubtedly assuaged not only his need for publicity but also his obsession with his own superiority. Ultimately he was left with racist allies whom "no moral, thinking soul would ever be associated with." Even Shockley's own children became estranged - not surprising, considering that he publicly announced they had "regressed" from his own intelligence because of their mother's inferior standing."

"Dig it Dag!" You'll hear that joyous command of commendation ring around the Belmont campus whenever Richie Dagampat rollickingly strokes out the "Twelfth Street Rag" "St. Louis Blues" or "What-you-will on the ukulele. The enthusiasm bubbled in a rousing, "Hot-Dig-Gity-Dag!" when Richie the lionhearted was cavorting as a second All-City halfback, a second all league outfielder, or as the Sentinels leading Class B high jumper. Not one of the seven Belmont teams for which he was a member - three football, two baseball, two track - ever finished below second place. Strummer Dagampat, a real "cat" among mewsicians, is an exceptionally natural athlete who might also have starred on the Belmont basketball quintet. His 19-point average paced the Hi-Y Cagers to the Downtown Area championship. Richie was logical choice for the Howard Lindsay Award as Belmont's Outstanding Athlete, a distinction seldom achieved by non-senior A's. In football the Belmont bombshell earned two Class B fullback letters before bowing with the varsity as a halfback. Junior wise he hoofed for John Evans' unbeaten League B champions who average 35 points a loop game, gave up but 12 points. Richie was named on the coaches all league team. On that Belmont club was 135 -pound student body president Donn Smith who went to California on a baseball scholarship and made the first string freshman football eleven as defensive halfback. Last fall Richie was hailed as Eastern Player of the Year when he scored five touchdowns, hurled three, and distributed his 155 pounds on defense like a porcupine protecting its little porkies. He faked, plugged in on blockers, cut back with watch like precision, impressing foe and friend alike. (After the game, his foes were his friends, too.) Linked with All-Eastern mates - his fellow co-captain and end Pete Jokanovich, center Gerry Nunnelee, and halfback Ken Toothman, Dagampat spurred Felix Pennino's pigskin Palominos to a statistical tie for first place. Toothman, brother of Bob who twirled a 15-0 no-hitter in the 1952 Dorsey tournament, scurried back the 1952 Milk Bowl (at the Rose Bowl) opening kickoff 94 yards for the longest KO return in the 16-year history of the classic. It beat Marshall's, Dr. Molar, 6-0.  In baseball, where he still has another semester, outfielder Dagampat led Evans' circuit champs with a .350 batting average before moving up to Pennino's Class A nine to hit .371 and gain second All-Circuit Flyhawk laurels. He's shone on the defense with trusty arm and wide ground patrolling legs. The Sentinels registered two shutouts in the Dorsey tournament, were tripped 3-2 in the quarterfinals by Garfield's eventual champions. Richie who has leaped 5 feet 10 inches though he stands only 5 feet 71/2, knotted for second in the league Class B meet last spring. He is coach Cameron (Laddie) Mullard's no.1 Class A hop in the high jump for the coming campaign and will also run in the relay. Is Richie Dagampat a one-sided athlete who fritters away his leisure on the frivolous ukulele? Not by a brainpan-ful. Eighteen year old Richie is a solid B student, wants to be a coach or FBI artist, and is public as well as sports spirited. President of the Letterman's Club and Knight, he is Vice President and former Sergeant-At-Arms of the Hi-Y that was judged first in the city on basis of service to community and athletic achievement. One of Richie's brothers, Curtis, was a guard on the University of Hawaii football team some years ago; his sister Leimomi was a dancer on the famed Hilo Hattie troupe. That ruggedness of a guard, that grace of a hula terpsichorean have been blended into the person of Belmont's splendid, popular Richie Dagampat. (I MAY NOT HAVE COPIED THIS EXACTLY AS IT WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN, SO I'LL PROBBALY HAVE TO MAKE CORRECTIONS TO IT LATER.)