Wednesday, June 23, 2021

"Ordinary Guy" - Gery Dagampat

There's Nothing Average About Gery* For A Number Of Reasons. If You Had Known Him In His Prime You Would Have Recognized This. So Don't Let His Use Of This Trite Phrase To Describe Himself Fool You.  (Read The Emails I've Sent To Him!)

Bob, I Was Listening To You Earlier Today (Your Were On An NCAA Tournament Program On TNT Or TBS) And I Could Sense That You Didn't Think ME, Ma Daddy, Or Gery Were Somebodies! I'll Mention One More Thing About Gery Later! The Same Goes For You, Jay! I Was Listening To You During That Final 4 Dunk And 3-Point Contest And Didn't Like What I Was Hearing From You!
 Avery, What Did You Say? "They're Mexican?" That's Because 2 of My Brothers Foolishly Had Children With Mexicans.

Brad, You're Listening To Gery As A Wiser, More Modest, More Tolerant, Less Volatile 60-Year-Old Businessman. If You Would Have Spoken To Him In His Teens, Twenties, And Thirties You Would Have Gotten A Completely Different Impression Of Him (The Impression You Would Have Gotten Was One Of An Arrogant, Domineering, Bellicose, S.O.B.)! Brad, He Was And Is Somebody! Take My Word For It!

*His IQ And AQ (Athletic Quotient) Is Well Above Average. Had You Seen Him Play In His Prime You Would Have Realized This. (He Was A Relentless, Ruthless, And Remorseless CompetitorHe'd Outwit You IntellectuallyWear You Out And Humiliate You Athletically (Especially On The Hoop Court), And Punish You Severely If You Disrespected Him! For Instance, He Reading My Writing About Him Likely Angers Him And Inclines Him To Throttle ME!)