Sunday, October 10, 2021

55 "Sea Heads [East Asians, Particularly Chinese] Like To Play Individual Sports (e.g. Golf, Tennis, Ping Pong, Pool, Etc.)" - Dick In Ya Ass!

Too Many MEXICANS Live In Hacienda Heights Now And They're Not The Type Of MEXICANS Hacienda Heights Once Attracted. They're The Young, Uneducated, Lower To Middle Class Type Of MEXICANS That You'd Find In LA PUENTE Or WEST COVINA Or WHITTIER. The Day When Any Trace Of The DAGAMPAT FAMILY Has Vanished From Hacienda Heights Will Be The Day I Celebrate Our Disappearance From That Neighborhood And That Day Is Soon Coming.


The San Gabriel Valley Has Turned Into Chink And Beanerville. At One Time The Chink And Beaner (MEXICAN) Populations Were Confined To Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, El Monte, Etc. But, Now, They've Spread Further East And Predominate In All San Gabriel Valley Cities Along The 60 Freeway. Take Hacienda Heights, For Instance. It Was All White When It Was Founded And Stayed That Way Until The Late 70s And Early 80s (Those Non-White Families That Inhabited The Community At That Time Were Typically White Washed, Educated, And At Least Middle To Upper Middle Class). The Area's Racial Makeup Remained This Way (Predominantly White, Middle To Upper Class) Until About The Mid 90s When An Influx Of Lower To Middle Class Mexicans And Middle To Upper Class Asians (Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese) Inundated The Community. Since This Time (Mid 90s) The White Demographic In Hacienda Heights Has Rapidly DWINDLED While The Mexican And Asian (Particularly Chinese And Taiwanese) Populations Have Exploded, But As The Asian Community Has Remained The Same (Educated, Middle To Upper Class) The Mexican Population (Incoming Mexicans) Seems To Have Become Even Poorer, More Lower Class And Less Educated. In Other Word, The Mexicans That Now Live In Hacienda Heights Are Like The Mexicans That Live In Poor, Lower Class Communities Like La Puente Or West Covina. Hacienda Heights Is No Longer Attracting The Educated, Upper Middle Class, Mexican Families Or If They Are They Aren't Attracting Them In Large Numbers (The City Is Being Swamped By Poor, Dumb, Lower Class, Mexican Trash). So To Sum It Up, Hacienda Heights Has Gone To Hell. Thankfully, Though, I No Longer Live There And, Thankfully, Everyone Else Who Shares My Last Name Won't Be Living There Much Longer Either.
In 2007, I blogged:
Back in 2000, I wrote an article for entitled "Immigration Is Retarding Interracial Marriage." That's visible in Southern California, where Asians used to be widely dispersed all over the suburbs, and thus tended to marry the whites around them. Now, however, Asians tend to cluster in the San Gabriel Valley, and you see a higher proportion of Asian-Asian couples than you did a quarter of a century ago. This has implications for assimilation.

Now, a new study of Census data fro 1990 and 2000 confirms that trend:

Immigration played a key role in unprecedented declines in interracial and inter-ethnic marriage in the United States during the 1990s, according to a new sociological study. The findings, published in “Social Boundaries and Marital Assimilation: Interpreting Trends in Racial and Ethnic Intermarriage,” suggest that the growing number of Hispanic and Asian immigrants to the United States has led to more marriages within these groups, and fewer marriages between members of these groups and whites.

“These declines in intermarriages are a significant departure from past trends,” said Zhenchao Qian, co-author of the study and professor of sociology at Ohio State University. “The decline reflects the growth in the immigrant population during the 90s; more native-born Asian Americans and Hispanics are marrying their foreign-born counterparts.”

I imagine that the clustering of Southern California's Asians in the San Gabriel Valley is motivated in part by Asian parents hoping their children wind up with Asian spouses.

This time I will explicitly offer a broader argument and then give the numbers. My thesis is that the GOP is in trouble across the electoral board because it has become identified in the public mind with social conservatism. Large numbers of Independents and Democrats who are naturally attracted to arguments of fiscal discipline, less government interference in daily life, greater personal responsibility, and free enterprise refuse to vote for Republicans because they are so put off by the positions and rhetoric of social conservatives, whom they take to represent the spirit of the “real” GOP.
And yet something has happened to define conservatism in the minds of Asians as deeply unattractive, despite all the reasons that should naturally lead them to vote for a party that is identified with liberty, opportunity to get ahead, and economic growth. I propose that the explanation is simple. Those are not the themes that define the Republican Party in the public mind. Republicans are seen by Asians—as they are by Latinos, blacks, and some large proportion of whites—as the party of Bible-thumping, anti-gay, anti-abortion creationists. Factually, that’s ludicrously inaccurate. In the public mind, except among Republicans, that image is taken for reality.

Why Asian Americans refuse to vote their interests remains a deep puzzle. Part of the problem rests at the feet of Republicans. Like past immigrants, many Asians first land in America’s great cities, but the Republican Party no longer seriously contests elections in the inner cities. Asian Americans who rely on municipal government for safe streets, business licenses and good schools may never meet a serious GOP politician. It would come as no surprise that these immigrants, especially those who have fled authoritarian nations, would join the Democratic Party, simply to get a fair shake.

More insidiously, Asian Americans may also be brainwashed by their respect for higher education. As the Harvard situation shows, some of the nation’s best schools are willing to corrupt merit and achievement in the service of a politically correct racial balance. Asians may come to think that ideology is as “true” as the scientific research produced by Nobel Prize-winning universities. Asians are fighting for admission to the very institutions that discount their talents and achievements.

Asian Americans can change their self-defeating politics simply by questioning their loyalty to the Democratic Party. The smartest voters keep themselves in play, choosing candidates who truly represent their self-interest, election by election. I believe politicians who support fair competition in the markets and in our schools — most likely Republicans — best represent Asian Americans. And Asian voters would benefit not only themselves but the American people as a whole by rejecting anyone who supports the use of race rather than merit to pick winners, losers and even Harvard students.

First, there’s race. The feeling of social exclusion stemming from their ethnic background might push Asian Americans away from the Republican Party. Many studies, like Henri Tajfel and John Turner’s work on the psychology of intergroup relations, have shown that one’s identification with a broad category of people — be it on the basis of language, ethnic or racial solidarity or some other trait — is important politically. Republican rhetoric implying that the (non-white) “takers” are plundering the (white) “makers” has cultivated a perception that the Republican Party is less welcoming of minorities. That might help explain why Asian Americans, despite their “maker” status, prefer the Democratic Party — even if the GOP doesn’t discriminate against Asians specifically.

And many Asian-Americans do feel like they don’t get equal treatment. According to the 2008 National Asian American Survey, nearly 40 percent of Asian Americans suffered one of the following forms of racial discrimination in their lifetime: being unfairly denied a job or fired; unfairly denied a promotion at work; unfairly treated by the police; unfairly prevented from renting or buying a home; treated unfairly at a restaurant or other place of service; or been a victim of a hate crime. We found that self-reported racial discrimination was positively correlated with identification with the Democratic Party over the Republican Party.


Our second finding is a little more complicated. It turns out that the political affiliation of Asian Americans is sensitive to how issues are framed. When Asian Americans are reminded of their shared political interests with other minorities, they are pushed to the left. We found evidence for this argument in the 2008 National Asian American Survey. To again get at causality, we conducted an experiment embedded in a national survey to corroborate this finding of the impacts of intergroup solidarity with African Americans and Hispanic Americans.

We surveyed a large sample of Asian Americans and randomly assigned individuals to read different versions of a newspaper article that framed the important, high-impact issue of immigration in two different ways. One article focused on the impact of Arizona SB1070, a law that required police officers to ascertain people’s immigration status, indicating the common status of immigrants of Asian and Hispanic origin. Another article focused on how the current immigration reform debate can pit higher-skilled immigrants from Asia against lower-skilled immigrants from Latin America.

The result: When immigration was framed as an issue that teamed Hispanics and Asians together under the umbrella of common interest, 72 percent identified as Democrats and 28 percent as Republicans. But when immigration was framed as an issue that pitted Hispanics and Asians against each other, only 67 percent of Asians identified as Democrats and 33 percent as Republicans.

Our findings of course do not mean that social exclusion and solidarity with other groups are the only reasons why Asian Americans are Democrats.

Democrats' long-run strategy is to be Anti-White Party as immigration policy elects a new people. But the danger for Democrats is that they will become Black Party, which could drive off Asians and Hispanics not wanting to play 2nd fiddle to inept & crooked black politicians.

This was true 30 years ago, when the majority of Asians voted Republican, and it is still true. What changed? In 2012, Professor Richard Posner suggested that many people vote for non-material reasons:

The voting behavior of Asian Americans appears puzzling, however, only in light of the widespread belief that people vote their interests, that is, vote for the candidate whom they think most likely to promote policies favorable to them. But many voters don’t vote their interests . . . voting is more an expressive than an instrumental act: more like applauding at a play or concert than buying a lottery ticket.

Prof. Posner suggested that many people, including Asians, see the GOP as the party of whites — especially rural and southern whites — militant Christianity, and war, and Democrats as the party of the well-educated, the urban elites, cosmopolitans, and non-whites. Asians who want to prove to themselves and others that they are well educated and culturally literate vote Democrat. Charles Murray reached a similar conclusion after Barack Obama won reelection with 73 percent of the Asian vote:

[S]omething has happened to define conservatism in the minds of Asians as deeply unattractive, despite all the reasons that should naturally lead them to vote for a party that is identified with liberty, opportunity to get ahead, and economic growth. I propose that the explanation is simple. Those are not the themes that define the Republican Party in the public mind. Republicans are seen by Asians — as they are by Latinos, blacks, and some large proportion of whites — as the party of Bible-thumping, anti-gay, anti-abortion creationists.

It is now less common than in 2012 to dismiss the GOP as the party of Evangelical fanatics. Instead, it’s more common to say it’s the party of “white grievance,” which is, if anything more offensive to liberal elites, and equally unappealing to non-whites.


Essayist Rob Henderson argues that one way American elites show off their status is through “woke” ideology about race and sex. Until recently, only universities taught this mush, and it takes an above-average intelligence to understand ideas that make so little sense. They signal that believers have the leisure to study convoluted abstractions. Asians value education, status, and money, but it takes more than money and a degree to join the liberal elite: You need to speak the language of woke academics. So Asians, many of whom are within striking distance of the upper class, have “gone woke” in their quest for upward mobility. In more race realist terms, Asians tend to be conformists, not independent thinkers, and have adopted the norms of the class they want to join.

She's Hideous! (The Girl To The Left!)

Chinese, On Average, Are Some Of The Least Attractive People In The World. This Is In Large Part Due To The Social System* That They Had To Endure For Thousands Of Years As Well As The Affects Of The Late Glacial Maximum And Extensive Interbreeding With Archaic Human Species, Which Introduced Primitive Features Into Their Population.
Sex differences in personality may be larger in egalitarian, more developed countries because of the departure from arranged consanguineal marriages.
*Feudalism And Communism Put Constraints On Mate Choice And Prevented Sexual Selection From Exerting Its Full-Force On Chinese Populations (The Ugly Weren't Weeded Out Because Women Weren't Given The Freedom To Choose The Most Attractive Male Mates (Marriage Wasn't Based On Attraction,  But On Economics And Social Ties). So The Genes Of The Ugly Were Allowed To Perpetuate). (Oh, I Forgot To Mention The Number One Factor Influencing Chinese Facial And Bodily Aesthetics: INBREEDING. There Was Too Much Inbreeding In Their Evolutionary Past. Too Many 1st, 2nd, And 3rd Cousins Married And Reproduced With One Another Increasing Homozygosity And Decreasing Attraction.)

If You Were To Compare The Population Averages Of Attractiveness Between China And Say, Italy (A Relatively Racially Homogenous Population), You'd Find That The Average In Italy Is Much Higher Than China. This Means That There Will Be More Attractive People And Fewer Unattractive People In Italy Than In China, Thus Increasing The Population Average Of Beauty In Italy.

So Just As Whites, On Average, Score Higher Than Blacks On I.Q. Tests, Chinese, On Average, Would Score Lower Than Most Races On Diagnostics Of Beauty (Symmetry, Proportion, Good Features). In Other Words, There Would Be More Asymmetrical, Disproportionate, Unattractive People In China Than There Would Be Attractive People So The Population Average Of Attractiveness In China Would Be Lower Than In A Country (A Racially Homogenous Country) That Has More Attractive People In It's Population.

List All Of The Very Attractive Chinese Actors, Actresses, Singers, Musicians, Models, Etc. And Then List All Of The Very Attractive Italian Actors, Actresses, Singers, Musicians, Models, Etc. If Your List Of Chinese Is Longer Than Your List Of Italians, You're Either Chinese Or Lying To Yourself (In Denial) Or Both (Chinese And Lying To Yourself (In Denial)) Because There Are Far More Attractive Italians Than There Are Chinese (And China Has A Bigger Population (Larger Pool) To Draw From).

A Cold Climate In North And East Asian Ancestral Times May Have Done A Number On Chinese Facial And Bodily Aesthetics, But It Was Also The Impetus For The Evolution Of A Body Fit For Swimming, Diving, Gymnastics, And Ice Skating. In Effect, A Frigid Ancestral Environment Forced Ancestral Chinese To Evolve An Extra Layer Of Fat, A Preponderance Of Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers, Greater Flexibility, A Long Torso And Shorter Extremities, Etc. (All Which Provide An Advantage In The Sports Above).

Rob Henderson@robkhenderson·Feb 10Replying to @robkhenderson
Idea is that rigid societies inhibit differences; free societies magnify differences. Would be intriguing to see if this is true within the same society across time. E.g., did U.S. inhabitants used to have only 2 personality dimensions in, say, the 1940s?
For Those Of You That Have GOOGLED And YOUTUBE Searched The City Of Hacienda Heights Because Of Your Interest In ME, Let ME Say This: Hacienda Heights Is No Longer What It Once Was. It Has Been Inundated And Overrun With BEANERS, CHINKS And GOOKS. As A Consequence, The Value Of The Community (Economically And Socially) Has Depreciated And A Different Ethos Has Been Established. So Not Only Have Property Values Been Lowered, But So Has Social Capital And Civic-Mindedness Among The Community. 

Asians trust their neighbors less than do White people. Source:    

It’s no surprise that immigrants gravitate toward “ethnoburbs,” suburban areas such as Monterey Park that are filled with ethnic businesses. “You can read the newspaper, listen to the radio, buy a house from a real estate agent, go to a doctor and get your groceries from people who speak your language,” said Linda Vo, a professor of Asian American studies at UC Irvine.

Interesting thread of research showing white people limit interaction with nonwhite people. The author frames this as structural racism- but I don't think homophily in any other ethnic group would be regarded as racism. 1/2

Replying to
Can we transcend homophily (preference to interact w others more similar)? Authors suggest given whites choose to self segregate in diverse areas, we should engineer more contact- but what if all ethnic groups prefer to interact amongst themselves? 2/2


"only 9 percent of Chinese said they'd trust a person of a different nationality. By contrast, 52 percent of Germans said they'd trust such a person, and the number increased to over 65 percent in the United States and Australia."

Anyway, Many Of You See ME Walking The Streets (Sometimes With Bags In My Hands And On My Back) And Occasionally Sleeping In The Streets, So Many Of You Wouldn't Realize That I Come From A More Privileged Background Than Most Of You (I've Written About My Background Enough That You Should All Realize How Different It Was Than Yours). Secondly, When I Speak To People And Gauge That They Have Less Education, Less Intelligence, And Are From A Lower Socioeconomic Background Than ME I Change My Speaking Style, Use Less Uncommon Words, And Speak About Subject Matters That Are Less Worldly (Intellectual). Why? because I Don't Want To Come Off Too Different Than They (Too Unlike Their Speaking Style And Too Unlike What They're Accustomed To Speaking About (Discussing)). In Other Words, To Prevent Being Rejected And Shunned I Don't Come Off Like The Articulate, Educated, Relatively High IQ White* Boy From The Upper Middle Class That I Am When I Speak To Certain Blacks And Browns.