Monday, November 27, 2023

We Just See You As A Fan...Cain't No Ho B A Man! - JR RJ

Individuals perceived women in role reversed relationships (i.e., woman having higher status) as more dominant & men as weaker…

Perceptions of dominance & weakness were linked to reduced levels of relationship satisfaction within role-reversed couples.
You can't reason with people like she because they don't reason logically (like a logical, open-minded, civilized person). She's a combination of low intelligence, obstinance*, insolence, and egoism (e.g. I think she barely graduated high school, but she speaks about topics (child care or dog care, for instance) as though she's an authority on these topics). It's overconfidence, overbearingness, and bravado typical of a unintelligent, uneducated person compensating for their lack of knowledge and expertise on a topic so as NOT to appear unsure, inadequate, and inferior. She reminds me of the poor niggers from the ghettos of California that I've had the misfortune of encountering every so often.

*People like she are so unwilling to compromise and acquiesce that they'll tell outright lies and contradict themselves just to win an argument or get their way.
She's a habitual liar, by the way, and both a grandiose narcissist and vulnerable* narcissist. 

*Do you hear her saying, "you ruined it" and "see what I have to put with?" in those videos I've uploaded to my Outlook account? Those are self-pitying statements that betray her victim-hood mindset.

When you meet her or briefly interact with her she'll put on a pleasant façade (she'll speak in a feminine, high pitched manner and come off  as though she's kind, considerate, and compassionate), but if you spend any significant amount of time around her you'll quickly recognize the disposition and traits that I'm describing here. She's a ghetto nigger not unlike this and this and this (FIND A VIDEO OF A GHETTO BLACK NIGGERETTE SHOUTING OBSCENITIES AND DISPARAGING COMMENTS TO PEOPLE IN PUBLIC AND YOU'LL GET AN IDEA OF WHAT I'M DEALING WITH).

I'm not the mentally ill one here. It's the other way around.

Dr. Anthony Jay spoke on "Gender Bender Chemicals" at our 2023 Wise Traditions conference. Here is just a snippet! A number of chemicals exist in our everyday environments that have the power to alter sex hormones which alter the body and mind. Dr. Anthony Jay answered the questions: What are these chemicals, what do they do exactly, and how can we avoid them? Flash sale! You may purchase all of the presentations, and that includes individual talks, for 25% to 45% off until November 27.

Here is one of the worlds leading researchers on endocrine disruptors, explaining why you don’t want to heat up food or drink in plastic, includes microwaving but also bottled water just left in a car. Keep in mind this is based on her federally funded research.

See this Instagram photo by @drjoshaxe:

The damage is believed to be most severe during prenatal or early pregnancy exposure. (3)

“From the day of conception until an individual is born or hatched, the development of each stage of life is fully under the control of hormones.

“Changes that happen during development are far less reversible [than those occurring in an adult]; you can’t go back and rewire the brain.”— the late Theo Colborn, Ph.D., zoologist and founder and president of the Endocrine Disruption Exchange

Many of the chemicals found in cigarette and methamphetamine smoke.
Many of the chemicals found in cigarette and methamphetamine smoke.


My wacky roommate has a masculinized body and brain (e.g. hirsuteness, male musculature, male-like hands and feet and male-like thought and behavior (social dominance, physical aggression, psychopathy, etc.), which, I believe is a product of the fetal environment her mother provided her (one heavy in cigarette smoke, methamphetamine smoke, and junk food and the childhood/teenage diet she subsisted on (fast food/junk food, sugars, seed oils, MARIJUANA, etc.). 
Her bodily proportions, specifically her disproportionate hands and feet remind me of Mr. Potato Head's!

She's A Product Of Poor Genes (Genes That Predispose Her To Aggression, Stubbornness, Laziness, A Low IQ), Exposure To Methamphetamine In The Womb*, And Poverty And Neglect In A Low Income Household And Low Socioeconomic Neighborhood. We Couldn't Be More Different. 

"Adverse perinatal events were associated with an increased risk of violent and non-violent criminal offending."

"Adverse perinatal events were associated with an increased risk of violent and non-violent criminal offending."

Somebody discovered poor people.

And Continue Reading The Emails In My Yahoo Account While I Read You!

When out walking alone, to get his grandma’s groceries, Tyree gets badly beaten by a gang.

Badly, Tela Girl! LOL!
Soy Mexicano!

I've Been Feminized! I'm A Girl!
My bipolar-schizophrenic, sociopathic roommate* viciously attacked me with the laptop* last night (05/29/23) for no valid reason other than the fact that she's mentally unstable and insecure (jealous and envious). Then she destroyed my collection of books (another $200-$300 worth of books*). As I've previously stated, she's a product of an impoverished household (living off of the government), parental neglect, peer rejection, and poor genes (genes that incline her to impulsivity, mental instability, violence, and a low IQ). We couldn't be more different. 

*Bashed me in the face and head a couple of times resulting in a cut and swelling!
"I Can Beat You Up And Make You Swell!" - Chale Mane
I'm The Girl Being Kidnapped!
I'm Cinderella looking for a BIGFELLA and my abusers are the girl I live with (my roommate) and her mother.
The data on cannabis use in young people (age 12-18) leading to schizophrenia and psychosis later in life even after cessation of cannabis use, are striking, concerning & lend balance to the idea that cannabis is harmless or better b/c it is “safer than alcohol”.
The predictors are not entirely clear but if you have schizophrenia or bipolar in your lineage (both of which have a VERY strong genetic component), I would avoid cannabis.
Cannabis probably causes schizophrenia
Schizophrenia confers an extreme level of risk of committing a violent crime.
2 ways to obtain social status: Dominance: associated with narcissism, aggression, and disagreeableness
I'm not a 'fag*' or a 'pedophile*'. My roommate conjures and rambles absolute nonsense and tells outright lies. Like I've previously stated, she's similar to those homeless people walking the streets speaking gibberish aloud to themselves! 

My bipolar-schizophrenic roommate threw the collection of books* I have in the pool then broke my arm with a 4 foot stick.* I had a collection of about 100 books that I’d bought while in Hawaii that was worth about $500. All that remains of the collection are the wet, but salvageable books in the below picture.
She broke my arm in her last unprovoked attack on me! Then threw away even more books than last night! I just weak, white lil Wimp! er 

"The appearance of weakness often brings out people's aggressive side, making them drop strategy and prudence for an emotional and violent attack...Once it is too late...they can found out the hard way that you are not so weak after all."

When individuals espouse ideological positions, we typically interpret their beliefs as signs of good or bad moral character. . . . Political correctness is one outcome of such attributions. For example, if a scientist says, “I have evidence that human intelligence is genetically heritable,” that is usually misinterpreted as proclaiming, “I am a disagreeable psychopath unworthy of love.” The arbiters of ideological correctness can create the impression that belief A must indicate personality trait X. If X is considered sexually and socially repulsive, then belief A becomes taboo. In this way our sexually selected instincts for moralistic self-advertisement become subverted into ideological dogmas.

*This is what I am - a disagreeable psychopath unworthy of love.

What do I have in common with this girl? Nearly nothing. In fact, I feel sorry for her because she comes from such an adverse/disadvantaged background, has few friends, has had no success in male-female relationships, and is now struggling as a single mother. Why do I have a relationship with her? Because she's my cook, cleaner, chauffeur, and intermediary/informant (without her I wouldn't have been able to gain access to the Native population and glean as much information from them (about their culture, practices, and way of life) as I have). Soon I'll be leaving her, however (to return to civilization), and I'll fear for her Japanese daughter's health and wellbeing once I'm gone (her distress and despondency over my leaving may transform into anger and rage towards her Japanese daughter and beatings).