Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Can Out Learn You...I Can Out Read You...I Can Out Think You... - Maxxx Katy

Why Do I Read Academic Books (Books On The Topic Of Evolutionary TheoryBooks On The Topic Of Behavioral GeneticsBooks On The Topic Of Neuroscience)? To Get A Better Understanding Of Myself (, To Get A Better Understanding Of My Fellow Humans (Human Nature), And To Get A Better Understanding Of The Societies We Humans Have Created. After Doing All Of This Reading (I've Been Reading These Types Of Books For 27 Years) What Conclusion Have I Come To? That The Human Species Wouldn't Have Come Into Existence (Evolved) If Not For A Series Of Rare, Random Biological Events; That This Random, Cumulative Evolutionary Process Resulted In A Haphazardly Designed Species (The Human Species); And That This Flawed (Psychologically, Anatomically, Behaviorally Flawed) Species Has Created A Flawed World; One In Which I'll Never Bring A Flawed Human Being Into.

Understands ME?


..."pseudospecies are those who...believe the same things...the pseudospecies provides people with a positive sense of identity but also obliterates our sense of other humans as our kin...'s deep-seated conviction that some providence has made his tribe or race or caste, and, yes, even his religion 'naturally' superior to others.


Are luxury beliefs cheap signals? No. They're expensive. Takes years to cultivate an understanding of them and express them without error. I've spent 5 years with the luxury belief class and still make mistakes and social faux paus. Helps to be born into it, to be around it early.

I also contrast this signalling strategy with several other ways beliefs can signal desirable ingroup characteristics, including multiple ways beliefs can display ingroup trustworthiness because of a reliable connection between their content and cooperative dispositions

People are biased toward beliefs that are welcomed by their in-group. Some beliefs produced by these biases—such as climate change denial and religious belief—can be fruitfully modeled by signaling theory. The idea is that the beliefs function so as to be detected by others and manipulate their behavior, primarily for the benefits that accrue from favorable tribal self-presentation. Signaling theory can explain the etiology, distinctive form, proper function, and alterability of these beliefs.

Beliefs serve at least two broad functions. First, they help us navigate the world. Second, they serve as signals to manipulate others. Philosophers and psychologists have focused on the first function while largely overlooking the second. This article advances a conception of signals and makes a prima facie case for a social signaling function for at least some beliefs. Truth and rational support are often irrelevant to the signaling function. If some beliefs evolved for a signaling function, then we should expect various biases that aid in the manipulation of others.

Why do well-functioning psychological systems sometimes give rise to absurd beliefs that are radically misaligned with reality? Drawing on signalling theory, I develop and explore the hypothesis that groups often embrace beliefs that are viewed as absurd by outsiders as a means of signalling ingroup commitment. I clarify the game-theoretic and psychological underpinnings of this hypothesis, I contrast it with similar proposals about the signalling functions of beliefs, and I motivate several psychological and sociological predictions that could be used to distinguish it from alternative explanations of irrational group beliefs.

“Apparently irrational cultural beliefs are quite remarkable: they do not appear irrational by slightly departing from common sense, or timidly going beyond what the evidence allows. They appear, rather, like down-right provocations against common sense rationality” (Sperber, 1985, p. 85).

Anybody can say something that’s true. But agreeing about reality tells you nothing about who is on your team. If you want to distinguish between someone who cares about the truth and someone who cares about your team, you need to get them to say something plainly untrue. A key reason is because the person risks looking silly in front of non-group members. By getting them to say something ridiculous, they are indicating that they actually believe it. Or that they care more about your judgment and the group than they do about others. Either way, you can bet they’re on your team. 

"That's All Bullshit [In Reference To Everything On My Blogs, Specifically That Which Has To Do With Racial Differences In Mental And Physical Ability (

 The Subconscious Mind (It Determines Our Behavior, Unconscious Self-Serving Motives (Were Driven By Self-Interest, Religion (Atheism, God (Atheism, Gene Mediated Family Conflict (Selfishness, And Female Mating Strategy (Deception)]" - Low IQ, Uneducated Latasha Ortriz From Kailua Kona. She Said This To ME While Sitting In A Golf Cart In The Parking Lot At Keauhou Shopping Center (She Was Working Security There). Then Hinted At Driving ME To The Back Of The Shopping Center To Perform Fellatio On ME!
No God, No Purpose In LifeNo Free Will!

The Majority Of Racially Admixed Hawaiians Have IQs In The 90-100 Range And Are Subsequently Superstitious And Religious Yet Iniquitous (Immoral). These Are The Types Of People I'm Dealing With!

Anyway, I Think Her Sentiment ("All Of What I'm Writing On My Blogs Is Bullshit") Is Felt By Many Of The Natives That Come Across My Blogs.

One way to think about an African IQ of 70 is in terms of "mental age"—that is, a person's mental age in relation to his chronological age. Nowadays, standard scores based on the normal distribution (or "bell curve") have replaced the concept of mental age. But it still provides a way to understand differences.

An average IQ of 100 is set to a mental age of 16. Adult Whites, then, have an average mental age of 16, with a normal range (plus or minus one standard deviation) of from less than 14 years to over 18 years.

African Americans average about 25% European ancestry and have an IQ of 85, which is equivalent to a mental age of nearly 14, with a range of from 11 to 16 years.

An IQ of 70 in adults, then, is equivalent to a mental age of about 11 years. This would make the normal range of mental ages found in Africa to be from less than 9 years to almost 14 years.

Eleven-year-olds, of course, are not retarded. They can drive cars, build houses, and work in factories if supervised properly. Eleven-year-olds can even wage war—and do so in many parts of the world.

The Type Of People I'm Dealing With Here!

Low On The Totem Pole.

As I Was Walking Down The Steps That Led To My Seat At Viejas Arena (25 Rows Up From The Middle Of The Court, Directly Across From The Teams' Benches) On November 9, 2021 Mike Magpayo Stared Directly At ME For Several Seconds. Why? It's The Same Reason Kree Espinada And Tela Girl Stared At ME On Separate Occasions When I Returned From California In December Of 2021! Here's A Hint: It's Because I'm A Poor, Low Status, UGLY, NOBODY! Read Above!


Why Did Kree Espinada Stare Directly At ME And Shout At ME At Her Cousin's Party In Waianae In April Of 2019? Why Did Tela Girl Stare Directly And Intently At ME At Tamura's On December 15, 2021 At About 3:30 PM ( because I'm A Low Status, NOBODY! Duhhhhhh! Read The Pages Above And Continue To Read What I've Written About Tela Girl In The Emails I've Exchanged Between My Yahoo And Outlook Accounts Because They're Right On The Money (These Are Low IQ, Low Socioeconomic, Working Class Girls That I'm Dealing With). (Both Kree Espinada And Tela Girl Didn't Know Who They Ran Into! And Both Of These Idiots Were Influenced By These Videos And This Comment My name is Cherie Amour, I never got a chance to meet you but you are my grandfather, you are my mother father my mother is your 1st born child and 1st born daughter, her name is Teresa Kealoho Dagampat, Washington, May your soul continue to Rest in Peace, Love your Granddaughter.)


Cheyenne Espinada Pictured Above! She Was Staring@ME Seductively W/Lust In Her Heart* And Her Legs Spread Apart The 1st Couple Of Times I Encountered Her! In Fact, She Couldn't Take Her Eyes Off Of ME! Anyway, Have You All Seen Their Boyfriends? They're UGLY NIGGERS.


For instance, in February or March of 2019 I was lying on the bed in this room with the door to the bedroom opened while Kree** and Kree's Sister sat directly across from me in the living room and while I lay there reading I'd occasionally glance into the living room and caUGT Kree's sister staring at me (I caught her staring at me several times). After reading for about 30 minutes my roommate's daughter cried out in pain in the adjacent room, so Kree's sister rushed to that room. I got up to check on her as well (my roommate's Japanese daughter) and when I entered the room Kree's sister immediately assumed the lordic position (see link below) while feigning to aid my roommate's Japanese daughter then looked over her shoulder to see if I'd mount her, but as she did this she seemed to have mouthed the word "weird" as if to say "no, I'm not thinking about having sex and a daughter with you, weirdo!"

“It suggests that an arched back posture in women is perceived as an indicator of sexual receptivity by both men and women across different body postures.” Women also perceive other women in more arched-back postures as more threatening to their relationships, and they were less likely to show such images to their partners.” “Overall, these findings suggest that lordosis posture is a signal of sexual receptivity in women and that this signal can trigger feelings of competition and threat among other women.” — h/t PsyPost & William Costello

**She and my roommate were arguing over whether to use an amplifier (it looked like a large speaker) that my roommate had just bought for their next performance. Kree didn't think they needed it, but my roommate said they did in an adamant, vehement and dominant manner.