What's My Name?!
Earlier this week (12/05/24), an ominous message written on lined paper was left atop of the dog's cage (this cage) outside of the house in Palolo Valley. My roommate told me that the message seemed to have been written in female* hand writing and stated (I'll paraphrase it) that the house, along with the dog, was being watched around the clock and that the dog looked thin and in poor condition (that its coat was spotty). There was more written in the letter (such as "the dog sits on the steps"), but that was the gist of it. My roommate thought our older dementia ridden, female Japanese next door neighbor** wrote it, but I told her that it was delivered by or on behalf of a person that wants me murdered. Then I told her that the reference to the dog was an indirect reference to me (i.e. I'm being watched around the clock).
29:11 (Why It Was Written In A Female Voice)