Friday, November 27, 2020

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Thirstin Howl III : a Crooklyn Tale by the Lo-Life General

"When They Sent ME To Prison That Was Like College!" - G Puerto Rico
The same families who produce antisocial criminals can also produce bookish academic nerds, and it might even be that the same genetic proclivities can help two brothers “succeed” in both endeavors...Other research suggests that high testosterone levels trigger not violence, per se, but a motivation to compete for status. Violence is one way to rise in the social hierarchy, but it is a costly and dangerous one. If you are a rich kid, you can compete on the tennis court or the stock market. If you are doing well in school, like me or Billy Bulger, you can hit the books, and get into graduate school as a pathway to a professional career. But if you are a kid from the wrong side of the tracks who has already blown his chances in school, like our two brothers, then becoming an outlaw may become a more attractive career option. 
Higher verbal intelligence gives men an edge in pursuing a successful criminal career. 
"for nonpsychopaths, higher IQ and particularly verbal intelligence meant a later start in violent crime. For those diagnosed as psychopaths, however, this association was reversed...Psychopaths with higher intelligence start offending at a younger age"

Probably the leading contender right now is a theory about the importance of language development. Since language is a human universal, it would stand to reason that those who suffer from significant linguistic deficits would have a number of negative life outcomes.

From the perspective of the Hypothesis, there are two important points to note.  First, much of what we call interpersonal crime today, such as murder, assault, robbery, and theft, were probably routine means of intrasexual male competition in the ancestral environment.  This is how men likely competed for resources and mating opportunities for much of human evolutionary history.  They beat up and killed each other, and they stole from each other if they could get away with it.

We may infer this from the fact that behavior that would be classified as criminal if engaged in by humans, like murder, rape, assault, and theft, are quite common among other species.  The criminologist Lee Ellis documented many instances of these “criminal behavior” among different species with photographs in 1998.  The primatologist Frans de Waal and his colleagues have documented brutal murders, assaults, and other interpersonal violence among chimpanzees, bonobos, and capuchin monkeys.

9/ There are about 600,000 abortions a year in the USA and according to Levitt and Donohue’s calculations there are 5,000 to 10,000 fewer homicides per year because of these abortions.

-Criminal offenders have more sex partners than non-criminals -Criminal offenders have sex at an earlier age -Gang members have more sex partners than non-gang members within the same community
"Convicted criminal offenders had more children than individuals never convicted of a criminal offense...Importantly, the reproductive success of criminals was explained by a fertility increase from having children with several different partners."

Staffan Retweeted
Your periodical reminder that we are breeding more criminals too, not just more stupid people. Criminal offending as part of an alternative reproductive strategy: investigating evolutionary hypotheses using Swedish total population data
"64 percent of males with a high school degree or less had a child with more than one partner, compared with 36 percent of men with some college...Men who have spent time in prison are two times as likely to have children by multiple partners."

From the evolutionary psychological perspective, reproductive success is the end, and everything men do (be it crime or scientific research) is but a means to this ultimate end.  From this perspective, the question of why marriage depresses crime and scientific productivity misses the whole point.  Does it make sense for men to continue employing the means even after they have achieved the ends they were trying to attain with the means?  This is why married men are less likely to engage in a whole range of risk-taking behavior, like driving fast, which are designed indirectly and unconsciously to attract women.  Indeed, automobile insurance statistics clearly show that married men have fewer car accidents.

Fluctuating levels of testosterone may provide the biochemical microfoundation for the desistance effect of marriage and parenthood on men, be they criminals or scientists.  One longitudinal study shows that men's levels of testosterone go down when they get married, and go up when they get divorced.  Another study demonstrates that expectant fathers' testosterone levels fall precipitously immediately after the birth of their child.  If high levels of testosterone predispose men to be more competitive and aggressive, then the sudden drop in testosterone after their marriage and the birth of their child may provide the biochemical reason why men's psychological mechanisms to commit crime and produce scientific work “turn off” when they get married and become fathers.

It turns out that a single evolutionary psychological theory may be able to explain the productivity of both creative geniuses and criminals over the life course. According to this theory, both crime and genius are expressions of young men’s competitive desires, whose ultimate function in the ancestral environment would have been to increase reproductive success.

As I explain in an earlier post, there are reproductive benefits of intense competitiveness to men. In the physical competition for mates, those who are competitive may act violently toward their male rivals. Their violence serves the dual function of protecting their status and honor, and discouraging or altogether eliminating their rivals from future competition. Their competitiveness also inclines them to accumulate resources to attract mates by stealing from others, and the same psychological mechanism can probably induce men who cannot gain legitimate access to women to do so illegitimately through forcible rape. Men who are less inclined toward crime and violence may express their competitiveness through their creative activities in order to attract mates.

"Intelligence and physical violence emerged as being especially likely to boost sex partner accumulation for the number of lifetime sex partners in men...Men's violence was positively correlated with all mating indicators"

This is not the whole story, however. There are also costs associated with competition. Acts of violence can easily result in the man’s own death or injury, and acts of resource appropriation can trigger retaliation from the rightful owners of the resources. A man’s reproductive success is obviously compromised if the competitive acts result in his death or even injury. Before men start reproducing (before their first child), there are few costs of competition. True, being competitive might result in their death or injury, and they might therefore lose in the reproductive game if they are too competitive. However, they also lose by not competing. As I explain in a previous post, if they do not compete for mates in a polygynous society, which all human societies are, they will be left out of the game and end up losing as a result In other words, young men might lose if they are competitive, but given polygyny, they will definitely lose if they are not. So there is little cost of being competitive, even at the risk of death and injury; the alternative -- being a total reproductive loser -- is worse in reproductive terms, which once again is the reason the death penalty cannot deter young men.

These calculations have been performed by natural and sexual selection, so to speak, which then equips male brains with a psychological mechanism to incline them to be increasingly competitive immediately after puberty and to make them less competitive right after the birth of the first child. Men themselves do not necessarily make these calculations consciously. They simply do not feel like acting violently, stealing, or conducting additional scientific experiments, or they just want to settle down after the birth of the child, but they do not know why. The intriguing suggestion here is that a single psychological mechanism may be responsible for much of what men do, whether they are criminals or scientists.

"finding someone to have sex with is a more impressive accomplishment for the average man...for the average woman, finding someone willing to have sex is not much more of an accomplishment than finding someone willing to give directions to a restaurant"

The power of female choice becomes quite apparent in a simple thought experiment. Imagine for a moment a society where sex and mating were entirely a male choice; individuals have sex whenever and with whomever men want, not whenever and with whomever women want. What would happen in such a society? Absolutely nothing, because people would never stop having sex! There would be no civilization in such a society, because people would not do anything besides have sex. This, incidentally, is the reason why gay men never stop having sex: there are no women in their relationships to say "no." Sexually active straight men, on average, have had 16.5 sex partners since age 18; gay men have had 42.8.

In reality, however, women do often say no to men. (In my experience, they always do.) This is why men throughout history have had to conquer foreign lands, win battles and wars, compose symphonies, author books, write sonnets, paint portraits and cathedral ceilings, make scientific discoveries, play in rock bands, and write new computer software, in order to impress women so that they will agree to have sex with them. There would be no civilization, no art, no literature, no music, no Beatles, no Microsoft, if sex and mating were a male choice. Men have built (and destroyed) civilizations in order to impress women so that they might say yes. Women are the reason men do everything.

Once again, my personal hero Bill Maher captures the essence of female choice perfectly when he quips, "For a man to walk into a bar and have his choice of any woman he wants, he would have to be the ruler of the world. For a woman to have the same power over men, she’d have to do her hair.” In other words, any reasonably attractive young woman exercises as much power as does the (male) ruler of the world.

Put differently, every woman has the power to predict the future, while very few men do. If a man wakes up in the morning and says to himself, “Tonight I will get laid,” the prediction will fail a vast majority of the times, unless he’s incredibly handsome. (Most young men, in fact, do make this prediction every morning and go to bed alone and disappointed every night.) If a woman—any woman—wakes up in the morning and says to herself, “Tonight I will get laid,” the prediction will always come true every time. Such is the power of female choice.

The social control explanation for the effect of marriage on desistance from crime makes perfect sense, until one realizes that marriage has the same desistance effect on perfectly legal, conventional activities, such as science.  A comparison of the “age-genius curve” among scientists who were married at some point in their lives with the same curve among those who never married shows the strong desistance effect of marriage on scientific productivity.  Half as many (50.0%) unmarried scientists make their greatest contributions to science in their late 50s as they do in their late 20s.  The corresponding percentage among the married scientists is 4.2%.  The mean age of peak productivity among the unmarried scientists (39.9) is significantly later than the mean peak age among married scientists (33.9).

Given that the Nobel Prize for scientific achievement didn’t exist in the ancestral environment, the evolved psychological mechanisms of men appear to be rather precisely tuned to marriage as a cue to desistance.  Nearly a quarter (23.4%) of all married scientists make their greatest scientific contribution in their career and then desist within five years after their marriage.  The mean delay (the difference between their marriage and their peak productivity) is a mere 2.6 years; the median is 3.0 years.  It therefore appears that scientists rather quickly desist after marriage, while unmarried scientists continue to do important scientific work.  When you remember that great scientific discoveries usually require many years of cumulative and continued research, the near coincidence of the male scientists’ marriages and their desistance (after which they cease to make any greater scientific discoveries) is remarkable.  Another study by the sociologists Lowell L. Hargens, James C. McCann, and Barbara F. Reskin also demonstrates that childless research chemists are more productive than their colleagues with children.

You may think that unmarried scientists continue to make scientific contributions much later in their lives because they have more time to devote to their careers.  Unmarried and therefore childless scientists do not have to spend time taking care of their children, driving them back and forth between soccer practices and ballet lessons, or doing half the household chores, and that is why unmarried scientists can continue making great contributions to science while married scientists must desist to devote their time to their families.  This is precisely Hargens et al.’s interpretation of the negative association between parenthood and productivity among research chemists.

However, I would point out that almost all the scientists in my data on scientific biographies lived in the 18th and 19th centuries, when married men made very little contribution in the domestic sphere and their wives did not have their own careers.  Hargens et al.’s data come from 1969-1970, when this was probably still true to a large extent. If anything, married scientists probably had more (rather than less) time to devote to science, because they had someone to take care of their domestic needs at all time.

As I explain in my last post, from an evolutionary psychological perspective, marriage and reproductive success are the ultimate goals, and everything men do are the means to the goal.  All of the headlines above assume that there is something inherently good about scientific genius or creativity, and marriage and children somehow get in their way.  There is absolutely nothing good about scientific genius or creativity except as a means toward reproductive success.  Even though they may not be aware of it consciously, men do everything they do in order to get laid, and scientific research is no exception.

Criminal behaviors such as robbery, assault, rape, and murder comprise a subset of human behavior. They occur at non-trivial rates in all known cultures in predictable patterns. For example, in every culture, criminal behavior such as sexual assault, non-lethal violence, and homicide shows cross-culturally predictable age and sex distribution (Daly & Wilson, 1988). These forms of criminal behavior are perpetrated many times more by males than by females. They increase dramatically when males enter reproductive competition. And they decline with age such that male rates approach female rates in older age. These forms of criminal conduct also occur at predictably higher rates among unmarried men compared to married men, and among men lacking resources more than among women lacking resources. 

It is noteworthy, for example, that although women are more likely than men to suffer from being financially impoverished, poor men are far more likely than poor women to commit crimes such as robbery and mugging to procure resources. These are all key findings about which evolutionary psychology can shed causal light. Consider these findings generated by evolutionary psychology: (1) Women worldwide place a greater premium on resources in potential mates than do men (Buss, 1989); (2) Men consequently are known to engage in greater competition for access to the resources that women want (Buss, 2003); (3) Men lacking resources have greater difficulty than men with resources in attracting mates; (4) Engaging in crimes such as theft and robbery to acquire resources is likely to be a male-dominated activity in all cultures. Without knowledge of sex differences in mate preferences, which in turn produce sex differences in the battlefields of same-sex competition for mates, the finding that poor women are far less likely than poor men to commit crimes of purloining the resources of others would remain inexplicable. 

Since criminal behavior forms a predictable subset of human behavior; and all human behavior requires psychological mechanisms for its production; and all psychological mechanisms, at some level of description, owe their existence to evolution by selection; then evolved psychological mechanisms necessarily play a key causal role in the production of criminal behavior.

Exploitative Resource Acquisition Strategies 

At a highly general level of description, humans and other organisms have three fundamental strategies for acquiring resources that are critical to survival and reproduction (Buss & Duntley, 2008). The first is individual or solo resource acquisition. A woman gathering fruits or nuts, a man engaged in solo hunting, or either sex sowing seeds for a summer harvest are examples of individual resource acquisition strategies. A second is cooperative resource acquisition strategies. Two or more individuals form cooperative alliances or coalitions that often result in acquiring more collective resources than any individual could have acquired alone. A coalitional hunting party, for example, has a far better chance of taking down a large game animal than any individual alone, and doing so with far less risk.

 A third class of resource acquisition strategies, one that cross-cuts the first two, is best described as exploitative resource acquisition (Buss & Duntley, 2008). Exploitative resource acquisition entails procuring resources by taking them from other people through tactics of threat, coercion, force, terrorism, deception, manipulation, violence, or murder. Exploitative resource acquisition tactics can be performed either by individuals, cooperative dyads, or coalitions (e.g., gangs; war parties), and hence crosscut individual and cooperative resource acquisition strategies. 

Most criminal behavior falls within the domain of exploitative resource acquisition strategies. If adaptations for exploitation have evolved in humans, as Buss and Duntley (2008) propose, then evolutionary psychology has the potential to make important contributions to the causal understanding of criminal behavior, as well as for individual and societal strategies for dealing with it.

"Psychopaths are adept at pinpointing potential victims based on 'walking gait,' or people’s bodily movements when they walk. In the same way that a jaguar can sense which deer is vulnerable, a social predator can detect which fellow human is exploitable."


With an r of .23, crime seems to be a better predictor of offspring than any of the physical attractiveness measures looked at up to this point.

As I explain in a previous post, humans throughout their evolutionary history were effectively polygynous, and many married men had multiple wives. In a polygynous society, some males monopolize reproductive access to all females while other males are left out; in such a society, some males do not get to reproduce at all, while almost all females do. In other words, there is a vast sex difference in fitness variance; the difference between “winners” and “losers” in the reproductive game is much greater among men than among women. This large sex difference in fitness variance makes males highly competitive in their effort not to be left out of the reproductive game altogether. This competition among men leads to a high level of violence (murder, assault, and battery) among them. The large number of homicides between men (compared to the number of homicides between women, or between the sexes) is a direct consequence of this male competition for mates.

We can extend to property crimes the same evolutionary logic of male intrasexual competition in the context of polygyny and greater male fitness variance. If women prefer to mate with men with more resources, then men can increase their reproductive prospects by acquiring material resources. Resources in traditional societies, however, tend to be concentrated in the hands of older men; younger men are often excluded from attaining them through legitimate means and must therefore resort to illegitimate means to acquire them. One method of doing so is to appropriate someone else’s resources by stealing them. So the same psychological mechanism that motivates violent interpersonal crimes of murder, assault, and rape can also motivate property crimes of robbery and theft.

The single biggest cause of crime is genes. Heritability of criminal behavior is 0.5.

A good overview of some of the evidence for the heritability of criminality. "These data, obtained from three different countries and in different laboratories, lend support to the notion that criminal behavior appears to have a strong genetic component"