Tuesday, May 18, 2021

62 Tryna Wipe Out My Whole Race - X-Raided Loc

I DON'T KNOW What I'm Talking About. I'm Just A Poor, Homeless, Carless, PennilessPseudoscientist! By The Way, If I Wanted To Have A Child With A White Girl Or Blacc Girl Or Mexican Girl Or Filipino Girl Or East Asian Girl, Etc. I Would Have Stayed In California https://methalashun.blogspot.com/2020/07/one-only-one-out-that-sev-one-foe.html Where Life Is Much Easier And Enjoyable For ME! But I'm A Racial Separatist/Eugenicist So I Decided To Come To This Hellhole To Find An Indigenous Heathen To Impregnate. So Far I've Had No Success And That's Because, As I've Previously Stated, I'm Poor, Homeless, And Gameless. But Do You See What I've Done Guys? I've Sacrificed Cash, Cars, Caucasian Womens (The White Girl), Companionship (Closeness To Friends And Family), Comfort, And Contentment In My Homeland (The Southland) To Help Prevent An Ethnic Group (Native Heathens) From Going Extinct!

i have zero sympathy for species that go extinct. they all say they want a niche in the ecosystem, but then won't put the daily hustle and grind in for it

I'd LOVE To See More Indigenous Couples Like This! 

And More Native Families Like This! I'd LOVE To See Professional Native Families Like This!

"'Assortative mating' is the fittingly cold phrase for the intermarriage of educated people, who compound their material and cognitive advantages in the process...romantic insularity...Not even private education does as much to forge an imporous caste."

Protesting The Theft Of Hawaii 150 Years Ago Or The Building Of A Telescope Will Have Much Less Of An Impact On The Long-term Welfare And Well-Being Of The Hawaiian Ethnic Group Than Would Eugenic Breeding Amongst The Remaining Racially Admixed Hawaiians (The Breeding Of High IQ Part Hawaiians To Create A Higher IQ Hawaiian Population Composed Of More Hawaiian DNA) - Eugenic Breeding To Improve The Social And Economic Standing Of Native Hawaiians In Hawaii.  
For Instance, Native Entrepreneurs Fornicating And Replicating (Their Genes) With Other Native Entrepreneurs To Create More Native Entrepreneurs!
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If only the Black and Hispanic elites will reproduce, then the average IQs of these groups is going to significantly increase within several decades as the older generation of Blacks and Hispanics will pass away.
And No Interracial Couples Like This!


I Think There's A Correlation Between Emigrating (Moving To A Land You're Not Native To) And Outbreeding (Reproducing Outside Of Your Race). That's What I Think.


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This is usually an idea 13-year-olds come up with...

Read About The Idea My 13-Year-Old Brain Concocted In The Links Below.


If we look at entire populations, people in the most conservative countries tend to reproduce with more closely related individuals. Dutch political psychologist Jos Meloen has discovered a strong correlation (0.74) between the cultural preferences for endogamy and countries with right-wing authoritarian governments. Populations in these countries have weaker incest taboos that permit or favor cousin marriage, and customs whereby parents tend to arrange their children's marriages. In more liberal countries, on the other hand, cultures are more likely to have stricter incest taboos, individuals have greater freedom to select their own marriage partners, and reproduction tends to occur between more distantly related individuals (i.e. these countries are more exogamous). (Our Political Nature)


I Added A Passage From Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza's The Great Human Diasporas.



Implies that it is evolutionarily rational to invest in your ethnic group/race as a whole. Even a small benefit to your ethnic group/race as a whole means you are helping the entire population which may number in the many millions. For the individualists that characterize the West, this logic must appeal to the rational brain rather than depend on natural emotions of sympathy for the group.

Culture actually builds on genetic similarity. Patriotism is preached by using kinship terms. Countries are called the "motherland" or the "fatherland." Unions and churches call their members "brothers" and "sisters." 

Identity is a powerful force in human affairs. Ethnic favoritism and ethnic nationalism can lead to forms of self-sacrificing altruism. This explains why ethnic insults can so easily set off a riot. 

Gene Wars and Culture Wars 

Genes often have effects that extend beyond the body. In nonhuman animals, forms of culture like beaver dams and ant hills are handed down from parent to offspring. Analogously, genes incline people to learn those ideas that increase their genetic fitness. Nationalism, religion, and class interests are to some extent cultural 'houses' that shelter people and help to replicate their genes. 

Often a dominant group [Whites and Japanese in Hawaii's case] attempts to weaken other groups by promoting ideas that work to the dominant group's advantage and to the other group's disadvantage [to Native Hawaiian's disadvantage]. People can be coerced into working for other groups. Some cultures benefit one gene pool more than its rivals. This forms a basis for culture wars. "Culture wars" are really undeclared "gene wars." 

Cultures do arise which are "lethal" to the gene pools adopting them [lethal to the Native Hawaiian gene pool]. For example, the Shakers were a religious sect that considered sex to be so sinful that it imposed celibacy upon even its married members. This idea was nonetheless successful in replicating itself through several generations. New adherents were recruited largely via adoptions. The member's genes, of course, failed to replicate. 

Adopting some cultures can be considered a form of unilateral genetic disarmament. This would be the case if some groups chose multi-culturalism and genetic amalgamation while their competitors maintained a cultural purity [Whites and Japanese maintain cultural purity]. The gene pool for the first groups [the Native Hawaiian gene pool] would cease to exist while those for the other groups would expand. 

The gene pool affects how easily an ideology is adopted. The ideology then affects relative gene frequencies. Some genes thrive better in some cultures than they do in others. Religious, political, and class conflicts become heated because they affect genetic fitness. Karl Marx did not take his analysis far enough: Ideology may be the servant of economic interest, but genetic interest is master of both. 

“Those who advocate Multiculturalism seem to have lost an important instinct towards group — and thus genetic — preservation. Once a society, as a whole, espouses Multiculturalism as a dominant ideology then the society is acting against its own genetic interests and will ultimately destroy itself.”
Ed Dutton
What Migration And Multiculturalism Have Done To The Hawaiian Ethny (Nearly Destroyed It). 

I Just Found This Photo. I Believe That's Curtis Piehau Iaukea III's Grandfather (Curtis Piʻehu ʻIaukea I) On The Top Row, Second From Left (Your Left). Based On His Facial Features, He Looks Half White. So, If He Indeed Was Half White (Which I Believe He Was In Spite Of The Fact That He Supposedly Had Two Full-Blooded Native Hawaiian Parents*) And Had A Child With A White Women, His Children (Which Would Have Included Curtis Piehau Iaukea II) Would Have Been A Quarter Hawaiian (25%) And If Curtis Piehau Iaukea II  Had Children With A White Woman (Which I Believe He Did) His Children, Including Curtis Piehau Iaukea III Would Have Been An Eighth (12.5%) Hawaiian (Look At Curtis Piehau Iaukea III Here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Curtis_Iaukea He Looks About 12.5% Hawaiian, Doesn't He? Yes He Does.) 
*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Iaukea  So, Based On This Wiki Page Curtis Piʻehu ʻIaukea I's Parents Were Both Full-Blooded Native Hawaiian, But I Don't Think That Was The Case. Based On His Looks He's Obviously Part White, So I Think He Was The Product Of An Illicit Affair (An Extra-Marital, Adulterous Affair) Between His Hawaiian Mother And An American Of European Descent (Possibly A U.S. Government Official). But When He (Curtis Piehau Iaukea IWas Born His Hawaiian Mother Told His Non-Genetically Related Hawaiian Father That The Child (Curtis Piehau Iaukea I) Was His. So, To Sum It Up, After Generations Of Miscegenation And Racial Interbreeding With Europeans, Curtis Piehau Iaukea III Was Primarily White (Most Likely An Eighth Hawaiian), Even Though, Culturally, He Was Entirely Hawaiian (There's Been A Lot Of Cuckoldry And Adoption In Native Hawaiian Family History).
Colonel Curt AKA No Neck Whitey! Yeah, Curt Looks About An Eighth Hawaiian, So My Speculation About His Hawaiian Ancestry Is Probably Correct! Anyway, After One Of My Father's First Running Plays Against Cal Curt Jokingly Yelled To Him, "MANONG"! He Knew Who My Father Was And What His Racial Makeup Was, So Why Did He Call Him "MANONG"! because He Was Joking With Him!
His Descendants Carrying On The Family Tradition Of Racial Outbreeding.

Yet, pure-blood and mix-blood Hawaiians continue at an alarming rate to further dissipate their descendants' percentage of Hawaiian ancestry through intermarriage. Proportionally, Hawaiians exceed every other people on earth in entering interracial marriages. Although it is commonly accepted that further dilution of Hawaiian blood by mixed marriages must be ebbed, there seems no way to stop it. Incentives to marry Hawaiian will not help; Hawaiians FOOLISHLY Marry for love. The only hope is to surround young people with enough of their own race that they will meet and fall in love with another Hawaiian...This is the Hawaiians' only homeland. There are no other Hawaiians "back home" preserving  the race and the culture. There is no other "back home."  When the Hawaiians' traditions have been completely lost and their blood dissipated until it causes no distinctive traits, The Hawaiians will be gone. For Hawaiians, the great and glorious American melting pot ideal is a black, boiling cauldron of extinction. (A Call For Hawaiian Sovereigntyp100144)

I Think I May Have Found Another (Another Part Hawaiian Nigger Lover). This One Has A Hawaiian Twitter Name, Hawaiian-Looking Mother, And A College Football Nigger (See Second Instagram Photo)!
Once The Makeup Is Removed She's Not As Attractive And She's Got A Bit Of That Ditzy, Duh-Look Going (The Eyes Are Closely Spaced)!

Common Personality Traits Among Nigger Lovers:
Though I stand with the Sistas in their struggle to stop their men from having sex with our women, what is more important to me is why White women go with Black men. Just from personal observation, it is for one of two main reasons (at least in America):
a) They are fat and/or ugly, and can get a lot more attractive Black male than they could a White man (at least in terms of physical fitness, not trying to argue that a Black man’s face is ever more attractive than a White man’s), or
b) They hate their fathers and have a subconscious drive to destroy their bloodline due to this deep-rooted hatred.
Also, to be fair, there is a “c”: Black men do tend to be more superficially masculine than White men, on average. This is a modern phenomenon, of course, and is partly due to the differences in way White physiology processes the endocrine disruptors in our environment.
It is also partly due to the way White men are more likely to accept liberal ideology due to the complexity of their psychology. You aren’t going to brainwash a gorilla into accepting feminism any more than you are going to brainwash a Black man into accepting it.
White females with mulatto children are significantly less educated. They perform significantly worse on the ASVAB test. They average a higher body mass index [BMI]. In personality test scores they are, on average, more difficultmore quarrelsomemore stubborn, and less dependable. They are significantly more likely to say that they lie and cheat often.”


A Hamo Witta Hawaiiana. I Gotta Quarter Waitin' Foe Her If I Ever See Her (Imma Flip 25 Centavo At Her And Tell Her 'Go Get That Thang Remove!' So She Can Have A Mole Rat Remove That Thang From Her Foe Head)!
Hefty Hawaiiana Witta Hefty Hamo! (2 Fat Girls!)
See Bottom Of This Post.
Then The Natives Create Native Songs About Their Native Culture, Native Ancestry, And Native Land But Allow Non-Natives To Take, Remake, And Sing Those Native Songs As If They (The Non-Natives) Were The Originators Of Those Songs! 

"To an extraordinary degree, the predilections of the investing sex - females - potentially determine the direction in which species evolve. For it is the female who is the ultimate arbiter of when she mates and how often and with whom." - Sarah Blaffer Hrdy

How Does This Statement Apply To The Hawaiian Ethny? Well, Hawaiian Females Have Been Breeding With Non-Hawaiian Males (Outbreeding) For The Past 250+ Years And The Hawaiian Subspecies Looks Nothing Like Its Forbearers (The Subspecies Has Lost Many Of Its Ancestral Physical, Psychological, And Behavioral Traits).

The Part Hawaiian Girl Whose Home They Featured Mated And Bred With A Cracker. You'll Find Many Like Her Throughout These Islands And Homelands.
Here's another.


Mating With A Cracker.


Mating With A Pinot And Already Has 2 75% Pinots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVpvY-BM-EE but take a coffee with you💁🏽‍♀️


Has 2 Niggers And Continues To Mate Outside Of The Native Group (The Lahui, Nigga).


Mates With Anybody But A Native. Her Lazy-Eyed Friend In That Instagram Video At Castle Hospital Mates With A Nigger. 


Mating With Niggers. (Note the Hawaiian-Filipino Father Running From The Expecting Couple As Soon As The Picture Of He Opening The Bottle Is Taken. That's An Indication That He Wants Nothing To Do With That Soon To Arrive Dark Child. It's Also An Indication That People On Social Media Put On A Facade, A False Show When Using It. The Hawaiian-Filipino Father Likely Reluctantly Took That Photo And Only Did So To Appease The Daughter. You Can Tell By The Fact That He Split As Soon As The Photo Was Taken. His True Feelings Were Likely "I Don't Wanna Have Anything To Do With That Darkie (Both The Baby And The Baby Daddy)!")  

Anyway, The List Can Go On And On And On!


The Majority Of Part Hawaiian Females Were Produced By Part Hawaiian Mothers (The Union Of A Native Hawaiian Female And Non-Native Hawaiian Male) As Opposed To Part Hawaiian Fathers, So The Opposite Sex Parent Imprinting They Experienced Came From A White Male Or Black Male Or Hispanic Male Or Asian Male, Etc. Hence Their Greater Likelihood Of Outbreeding (Breeding With Males From These Ethnic Groups (White Males, Black Males, Hispanic Males, Asian Males, Etc.)).   

What's The Point Of Preserving Hawaiian Culture If You Don't Preserve The DNA (The DNA That Created Hawaiian Culture)? Make No Cent! 

This Is What Modern Native Hawaiians Look Like. They Look Mostly Filipino (Like This Girl) Or Mostly European (White) Or Mostly East Asian (Japanese In Particular), Etc. And Nothing Like Their Full-Blooded Ancestors, But They Have 1st Names And Surnames (Which Typically Aren't Their Actual Surnames) That Would Lead You To Believe Otherwise https://hawaiiathletics.com/sports/softball/roster/ka-ena-keliinoi/19142 (i.e.That Would Lead You To Believe That They're Comprised Mostly Of Hawaiian DNA). (When You Lose The Physical Traits Of A Race You Lose It's Behavioral Traits. - Peter Dagampat Ph.D. "LOSER!")
1/2 Japanese, 1/4th Filipina, 1/4th Hawaiian And Looked Nothing Like Her Full-Blooded Native Ancestors - My 1st Cousin Roylene Noguchi Which Is My Aunt Leimomi's Daughter. There Are Many Native's That Look Similar To She And Are Composed Of Even More Hawaiian DNA Than She!
My Mother's Handwriting. My Mother Kept Track Of Everybody On Both Her Side And My Father's Side Of The Family.
What A Full-Blooded Native Is Supposed To Look Like - Maiola Kalili To The Left Holding My 1st Cousins Rhonda And Roylene? 

25% Hawaiian DNA To The Left! 50% Hawaiian DNA To The Right! Now, You'll See A Lot Of Native Males On These Islands That Look Like The Male To The Left And Claim To Be Over 50% Native, But Are Actually 37.5% Or Less! In Other Words, They Over Estimate Their Native Ancestry And Don't Know The Proportions Of The Races They're Composed Of!

*There's Been So Much Interracial Breeding (Dilution Of Hawaiian Genes) And So Much Diffusion And Absorption Of Other Cultures (Disintegration Of Hawaiian Culture) In Hawaii That The Modern, Racially Admixed Hawaiians Don't Know How Their Ancestors Looked And Behaved! It's Mind Boggling From My Evolutionary Anthropologic Perspective!