"when women are the more prevalent sex, they are surrounded by more same-sex rivals...Such contexts intensify female intrasexual competition...women lower their standards for engaging in sexual activity and attempt to poach one another's romantic partners"
Females Outnumber Males In Hawaii. So The Above Is Applicable To Tela Girl And All Other Psychopathic, Sexually Competitive/Active Girls That Live There.
In 2014 or 2015 (around the same time Tela Girl was having a bisexual relationship with a black girl) Tela Girl developed a sexual relationship (strictly based on sex) with a 5'8-5'9, ugly (facially unattractive), redheaded white boy* from Ohio. The 5'8-5'9, ugly (facially unattractive), redheaded white boy from Ohio was a member of the Mormon church and had recently been released from prison for fraud and embezzlement. In addition to being a convicted criminal**, he was a drug addict (methamphetamine user) and during one of their sexual trysts (which occurred at the location in the above photo) Tela Girl nearly overdosed. From what I was told, the 5'8-5'9, ugly (facially unattractive), redheaded white boy from Ohio doped Tela Girl up and while having intercourse in the 5'8-5'9, ugly (facially unattractive), redheaded white boy's TRUCK Tela Girl became paranoid, her heart began racing, she began scratching/clawing at her wrists and forearms then exited the TRUCK unclothed (naked) and began walking/jogging down the road. The 5'8-5'9, ugly (facially unattractive), redheaded white boy* from Ohio didn't call the police or paramedics because he had drugs on his person, so he chased her down and convinced her to get back into the TRUCK (chased her down while his pants were down and she was rolling on the ground).
*Poor, White Trash!
**The Majority Of Tela Girl's Ex-Boyfriends Are Ex-Cons And Drug Dealers/Addicts.
As you can imagine, sociosexual orientation has a great impact on the risk of divorce. Sociosexually unrestricted individuals are far more likely to experience divorce than sociosexually restricted individuals because they are more likely to engage in extramarital affairs. As a result, the risk of divorce as an individual characteristic also follows the 50-0-50 rule. It’s been known for a while that children of divorce face a greater likelihood of divorce themselves than children of intact marriages. It appears that the most of the inheritance of divorce occurs through genetic transmission.
Also Applicable To Tela Girl!
In 2022 (I Can't Remember The Exact Date), As My Roommate And I Were Driving Southbound On Kamehameha HWY. Near Punalu'u, I Noticed Kree Pahoa In Her Black Kia At A Stop Sign On A Street To The Right Of ME (I Was In The Passenger Seat) And As I Passed She Looked At ME With A Raised Eyebrow.
When My Roommate And I Arrived At This Safeway We Began Shopping And Moments Later I Noticed Kree's UGLY Ham/Hamo Husband Pushing A Shopping Cart Behind Us (I Gave Him A Quick Glance Then Promptly Turned My Back To Him Because He's Too UGLY To Give Any Attention To). Several Minutes Later I Exited The Store And Sat In My Roommate's Car And Listened To Music Then I Saw The UGLY Ham/Hamo Push His Shopping Cart Through The Parking Lot At A Jogging Pace To Kree's Waiting Kia And I Thought To Myself, "Kree Sent Him In There, Not Just To Shop For Her, But To Have Him Provoke ME Into A Fight!"
She's A Frequent Marijuana User (A Heavy Pot Smoker).
"Where did you find that guy [me]?" - Kree "I'm That Bitch" Espinada in reference to me.
"Ditch that guy [me]". - Kree "I'm That Bitch" Espinada in reference to me.
"Make that guy [me] walk". - Kree "I'm That Bitch" Espinada in reference to me.
"My boyfriend [ham/hamo] has friends [black friends]" - Kree "I'm That Bitch" Espinada while speaking to my roommate at Gayhea's apartment in December of 2020 just days before Christmas. In other words, she was saying, "ditch that poor, Mexican average Joe and come get with some of this dark chocolate".
"Leave...Leave...Get Outta Here..." - Kree "I'm That Bitch" Espinada While Standing And Shouting At ME As I Sat At A Table At Her Cousin's Party In Waianae In April Of 2019! Prior To That Outburst She Seemed To Have Liked ME. I Spoke To Her Briefly And Mentioned That She Had A Really Good Voice And That Her Friend (My Roommate) Seemed To Be Mentally Unstable. Then She Turned To ME And Seemed Like She Wanted To Kiss ME. I Don't Know Why She Had A Change Of Heart Later That Night!
Joyce Benenson, who has researched female intrasexual selection perhaps more than anyone, found that the top way adult women compete is by denigrating the relationships of competitors.
One of the main ways women compete with each other is by interfering with the romantic relationships of other women:
A lot of female intrasexual competition takes the form of bullying.
women felt worse than men when a same-sex competitor got an expensive new house, or car, or job promotion or high mate value male (intelligent, athletic, attractive, etc.) like ME!
I wrote about this a little while back. It’s intrasexual competition. People denigrate couples online because they are single and envious. A man or woman being able to show a romantic partner is a status signal and an attempt to lower that status is “actually he/she doesn’t really like them.”
Why the greater concern for female kin?
- Participants will express a greater likelihood of interfering in the sexual behaviors and decisions of their sisters than their brothers
Kree Made Sure Her Gummy Grinned, Ditzy Looking Sister Lost Interest In ME.
"when higher- and lower-status persons interact, the former may dominate the latter (for example, by being inattentive or abrupt). If so, the interaction yields positive energy for the dominant partner and reduces the energy of the inferior." https://a.co/d/flb3Pmi "High-status people tend to speak more often and more loudly; are perceived to be more facially expressive; achieve more successful interruptions in conversation; use more 'filled pauses' such as 'um' and 'ah' and have steadier vocal tone" https://amzn.to/3sStyTu
"parental overvaluation drives narcissism, while perceived lack of parental warmth fuels low self-esteem...By telling our children how special they are, not holding back on praise, treating them as exceptional...we might be pushing them towards narcissism rather than self-esteem"
"It is not sufficient for the malignant narcissist to feel important and special; it is necessary for someone else to be demeaned and vanquished...Other people are used and discarded without remorse...disastrous outcomes are always someone else's fault"
"The bright side of narcissism is what you meet first – the charisma, the energy, the confidence; the dark side of narcissism is what you meet later or when things get stressful – the lies, the manipulation, and the selfishness."
"Our screens are more seductive than the pool into which Narcissus gazed at his own reflection...We...get our online persona reflected back to us, in all its edited perfection. We get instant assurance, in the form of likes, replies, and personalised feeds"
"Social media are thus the self-presenter’s dream...The narcissistic personality especially likes this because he or she seeks admiration and can therefore send each viewer a carefully crafted, dazzlingly admirable image of the self" https://amzn.to/3biWwqN
"narcissistically-oriented people often report intense pleasurable reactions to the perception of others’ envy. They experience a hidden sadistic satisfaction in causing a sense of inferiority and painful feelings in others."
All Applicable To Kree Espinada! By The Way, Kree Espinada Was Molested By An Older Cousin Of Hers While She Was A Child (About Age 10 While He Was About Age 20). This Seems To Be Common Among Lower Class Hawaiian Girls. Read The Below Writing.
Stories Like Hers Are Common Among Native Girls, Especially Native Girls With A Preponderance Of Native Hawaiian Genes Like She. Why? because The More Native Hawaiian Genes You Possess The Earlier You Reach Puberty, The Lower The Social Class You Come From And, Hence, The Weaker The Sexual Mores In Which You're Inculcated And All Of This Results In Many Of These Girls Losing Their Virginity In Their Early Teens And Having Children By Their Late Teens To Early Twenties! Plus, She Has Chester The Molester As Her Uncle. This Is Another Indication Of Her Lower Class Background (Sexual Deviants Like Her Uncle Are More Common Among The Uneducated, Impoverished, Low IQ, Lower Classes)!
This Is The Girl That I'm Referring To In The Paragraph Above. She Was Molested By Her Hawaiian "Uncle" At The Tender Age Of 13?