Thursday, March 21, 2024

I Don't Know - The Eastsidaz

Kree Espinada just drove past me (09/15/23 at about 3:10 PM just a little south of Kuuloa Ranch) with her head held high and a slight smile/smirk on her face. Tomorrow (09/16/23) I'll tell you what she was thinking. Like the rest of you she's following all of my activity on the iPhone I'm using (paying close attention to what I google search, what music I listen to, and when I watch porn). "That's EXACTLY what I think about're not rich, you're a poor, little bitch that sucked a dick (0:12 and you're afraid of me (daddy's little girl), you can't even look me in the eye...and I would never look at you, let alone speak to you because you're a low status, loner, loser that I disregard and disrespect with impunity [those emails and blog posts you write about me are having no impact on me] and there's nothing you can do about it, powerless, bitch...I can say and do whatever I want and nobody can tell me shit, especially not some weak little wimp like're not a man, you're a short (0:31, Little Weenie that doesn't have the balls to confront me and put me in my're lucky I didn't slap you and have my cousins jump get the fuck outta here [out of Hawaii], pussy...LOL!" 

As I passed by Kree Espinada and Kree Espinada's sister's home across from Kualoa Ranch this past Friday (01/30/23) at about 6 PM while sitting at the back of the 60 bus I noticed Kree Espinada's sister's black baby daddy* staring directly at me and Kree Espinada's sister turning her back to the bus and walking towards the home as if to say, "that's exactly what I was thinking...ignore him [I'll turn my back to you, I don't respect you]...I don't know you...I don't respect're a poor son [no money]...bum...Mexican [Guero, Weirdo, Creepo]...white...boy...nobody...nerd...racist...I'm pregnant and going to have another dark child by this darkie ( got murdered..."

Kree Espinada's sister's black baby daddy stood tall and stared menacingly at me as if to say, "this is my baby mama [my property], this is my son, this is my home [territory]...don't you dare think about encroaching on my territory and poaching my baby mama or harming my son...I'll kill you nigger!"
 Let me put his fears to rest right now (allay his fears). I don't mate poach or cuckold males. And I especially wouldn't try to mate poach his baby mama or cuckold him because I don't find his baby mama attractive both physically and intellectually (she's not that attractive, she looks ditzy, and she's a follower (doesn't have a mind of her own). 
 (Next time you see Kree Espinada's Sister look at her smile. It's gummy My Roommate Said She Has A 'Resting Bitch Face' (Whatever That Is), But I Think She Has A 'Smiling Mr. Ed The Talking Horse Face'!) 

Her gummy smile is a product of she being fed an unhealthy diet (a nutritionally deficient diet while in the womb, as an infant, and child). Why? because poor people eat nutritionally poor food (i.e.tend not to eat healthily).

If Kree Espinada's Sister Had A Child With Kree's Husband (The SamoNigga With Poor Dental Formation) The Resulting Child's Teeth And Gums Would Look Like The Nigga Doggy Dogg Character At The 2:16 Mark Of The Above Video!

*The Black Male In The Above Picture Isn't An Accurate Depiction Of Kree's Sister's Baby Daddy. No, The Black Male In The Picture Above Is Much Better Looking Than Kree's Sister's Baby Daddy! Kree's Sister's Baby Daddy Is U G L Y!


Find The Picture Of She Next To The Mural In Kaneohe And Read What She's Written (The Hawaiian Mythology She's Written About Kaneohe). Like Most Natives She Believes In Fiction - Tribal Myths - And This Is A Reflection Of Her Lower Intelligence, Lack Of Education In The Evolutionary Sciences (The Evolutionary Science That Explains The Origin Of Those Beliefs And Why She Believes Them), And Her Membership In The Lower Classes (The Social Class That Most Readily Believes In And Adheres To Fictitious Beliefs). And Like Most Natives, She's Proud Of Her Cultural Beliefs And Identity As A Hawaiian, Yet Breeds Outside Of The Hawaiian Race (I'll Develop This Idea Further At A Later Date). 

My Father Mocked His Mother's Superstitious, Ancestral Hawaiian Beliefs!


This Past Saturday (02/24/24) At About 1 PM I Saw Kree's Sister's Baby Daddy Hurriedly Walked Past ME While He Looked At Text Messages On His Phone With A Confused Expression On His Face. He Likely Did This Because Kree's Gummy Grinned, Ditzy Looking Sister Noticed ME Near This Section Of The Store And Became Fearful. She May Have Feared That I Would Attack She And Her Black Son* Or She May Have Feared That I Would Have Attempted To Rape Her And Kidnap Her Son Or She May Have Feared That I'd Take A Picture Of Her And Assess Her, Like, "I'd Better Get A Hold Of My Big, Black Boyfriend So That He Can Rush Over Here And Defend ME. I Don't Want That Weirdo To Take A Picture Of ME And Examine ME Physically And Mentally!"

"GAP between your teeth, so...!"

*From What My Roommate Told ME, Her Black Son Isn't Much Of A Looker, Which Makes Sense Because His Father Isn't Much Of A Looker Either. In Fact, When He Walked Past ME I Thought To Myself, "He's UGLIER Than I'd Previously Thought. He's Overweight, He's Developing A Bald Spot From About His Hairline (Frontal Region) To The Crown Of His Head, And He Lacks Fine Facial Features. Plus, His Eyebrows Droop."

"I Have No Shame, I Have No Conscience, I Have No Care, Especially About A Low Status, Bitch Like You!" - Kree "I'm That Bitch" Pahoa

This is a good photo, but it's missing something and that something is all of the food stuffs that enabled her to be #MissFatBitch2023! That is, she should have included the pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, sandwiches, bags of chips, candy bars, ice creams, cakes, cupcakes, pound cakes, fish cakes, etc. in this photo (surrounded herself with them) to show the world how she became the fattest bitch in all of the aina! And maybe ate a Big Mac while she dug through a bag of potato chips as while looking into the camera, like, "and I'm preparing to defend my title!"

10:20 Kree Espinada Daddy!
On March 31, 2023 at about 3:30-3:45 PM I made my way down the cosmetics aisle toward the self-checkout counters (I was gathering my cosmetics) at the Longs Drug Store in the Windward Shopping Center and as I approached the checkout counters I noticed Kree Epinada's fat father browsing in the refrigerated section at the far, southwest end of the store. Once I got to the checkout counters and began processing my items I noticed her fat father directly behind me in the same checkout area, moving toward one of the open self-checkout registers. This all led me to believe that 1) He knows who I am and noticed me (his daughters likely told him about me) and he's likely read what I've written about his daughters on this blog. 2) He wanted to see what I was buying, if I was going to pay for what I was buying, and how I'd pay* for what I was buying. 3) He wanted to come from behind and put me in a choke hold then fuck* me on my way out! I didn't look over my shoulder to verify any of my suspicions because I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being recognized (by looking at him over my shoulder he would have gotten the sense that I was aware of him and possibly afraid of him) and that's what he was probably hoping for.

 *See Below:

Waiting to drain someone’s bank account
Smiling face with horns

"Exactly What I Was Thinking...A Thief? A Fraud, A Fake, A Phony? A Scam Artist...Do You Know This Guy?..." - Kree Espinada's Daddy As He Was Walking Towards The Family Car In The Kaneohe Walgreens Parking Lot This Past Wednesday (07/12/23) Around 8:45 PM. I Was Riding My Recently Found Bicycle* North On Kamehameha When I Made A Right Into The Driveway Of That Parking Lot And Passed By Him. As Soon As He Noticed ME He Covered His Protruding Belly With The Walgreens Grocery Bag He Was Carrying (Insecure About His Abdominal Fat Problem) Then Turned His Head Back To His Wife And Said These Nasty Things! The Fact That He Turned His Head Back To His Wife For Reassurance Says All You Need To Know About Him (His Wife Wears The Pants In That Relationship). (I Was Thinking About The Family Parties My Parents Have Thrown And I Can't Remember A Time When A Sister Of Mine Shouted At One Of Our Guests And Attempted To Humiliate And Embarrass A Guest. In Fact, Any Attempt To Do So By One Of My Sisters Would Have Been Immediately Thwarted. Only If A Guest Had Said Or Done Something Inappropriate To One Of My Sisters Would A Hostile Response Been Appropriate And That Response Would Have Been Administered By One Of My Brothers Or Father. The Fact That He Allowed His Daughter To Do This Goes To Show That The Females Run The Show In His Family!)


"People who exhibit traits like narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism often believe they are morally superior to others, even when evidence suggests otherwise."
Toe Down! She Has A Fungal Infection In Her Big Left Toe Nail!

See this average looking, overweight, low IQ, lower class (working class) girl? She had the absolute WRONG IDEA about me the moment she laid eyes on me. And she had the WRONG IDEA because of what she found when googling my name, my siblings names, my mother's name, and my father's name; looking at my siblings' Facebook pages and Instagram pages; reading what I've written on my blogs, and most importantly; seeing me in her small town in the middle of nowhere with a poor, low status, native girl* (a rival of hers that she looks down on).  

being shown with a less attractive female caused women to downgrade attractiveness ratings they assigned to men

I think she may have thought I was like one of these people. As if...And when I rode past her on bike and she looked down towards the passenger seatI think she may have thought I was like one of these people. As if...And when I rode past her on bike and she looked down towards the passenger seat to make it seem like she were speaking to a baby girl her intention was to give me the false impression that I had a daughter. LOL!

I'll be emailing myself passages from this book and uploading them to this blog soon. Some of those passages will describe Tela Girl's reproductive practices using non-human primates as a reference. Be on the lookout.

Tela Girl As The High Ranking Baboon Assigning Parenting Duties To Her Subordinates!

In general, people who identify as bisexual tend to be losers who are trouble for those around them.

Do you see this fat, white trash, piece of shit? She had the WRONG IDEA the moment she laid eyes on me. I think she thought I was the bad boy, criminal, gang banger type (the type she likes). But after that brief interaction with me on October 7, 2020 and after continuing to see me walking in her neighborhood over the years her thoughts about me changed. Her thoughts then became, "poor, ugly, Mexican, nerd (geek off of the street), loser, rat (snitch)! Get outta here [my rural town]!"
Don't Look At ME, Tela Girl!

Tela Girl is a lying, cheating, thieving, promiscuous girl from a barbaric, backwards culture (the primitive culture of her ancestor's tiny South Pacific island). And like Kree's sister, she's an uneducated, low IQ, lower class girl from a lower status family. She regularly smokes marijuana and occasionally snorts cocaine and speed (methamphetamine). She's been having sex since age 16 and has accumulated numerous sex partners (at last count it was 8, but it's likely double that number plus 4 and numerous children fathered by different fathers (4 children, 3 different fathers). So don't let her online image fool you. She's a lying, cheating, thieving, envious, gossipy, overly status conscious, drug and sex addict!
Very Good, Tela Girl!
authentic people tend to mate with other authentic people, whereas deceptive individuals tend to attract deceptive partners. This is consistent with other research indicating that people with personality disorders—narcissistic, psychopathic, passive-aggressive, avoidant, sadistic, and so on—tend to enter relationships with one another.
"although most people are not attracted to psychopathic features, those with pronounced psychopathic features in particular and personality disorder features more generally are more likely than others to endorse a romantic preference for psychopathic mates. ...both males and females with higher levels of personality disorder features in general are more likely to find others with similar features intoxicatingly hot." Does this mean that one reason psychopathy was not selected entirely out of our species as we self-domesticated is that they kept interbreeding?

"Cocaine? Cocaine?" - Tela Girl October 7, 2020 as her eyes lit up! 

"I want a boyfriend!" - Tela Girl October 7, 2020 

"She just took a shit (Tela Girl degrading and attempting to lower the mate value of her female Tongan friend)!" - Tela Girl October 7, 2020 

"Lemme see it [your penis]!" - Tela Girl October 7, 2020 

"Ohhh, Nigga!" - Tela Girl October 7, 2020 (Just After Fucking Her).

"She's crying." -  Tela Girl October 7, 2020 (After Fucking Her And Walking To The Porch Where Her Tongan Friend Was Crying).

"I always drive drunk." - Tela Girl October 7, 2020 

Tela Girl Just Drove Past ME (2:45 PM 08/29/23) In A Truck Like That Which You See In The Above Photo. As She Noticed ME Riding My Bike Past Her (In The Opposite Direction Just A Little Before North Shore Taco) She Quickly Looked Down (Towards The Passenger Seat Of The Truck As If She Were Checking Her Phone) And She Did This To Say, "That Poor, Low Status, Loner, Loser Is Unworthy Of My Attention....He's UGLY, Has/Had ACNE...I'm Not Attracted To That NOBODY! So I'm Going To Turn My Attention To This Guy/Girl On The Phone..." Or Maybe She Was Saying "I Suck [I Suck Dick]..." (AgainShe's An UneducatedLow IQWorking Class Girl From The Boondocks!
Look Down And Examine My Package, Tela Girl!) 

Minutes before this (2:40 PM 08/29/23), I saw her bald, old daddy carrying food from the door to the right to his grey SUV (the door to the left is Taiwanese Ricky's Liquor Store/Game Room and the door to the right changes business and changes hands every few months). That cracker was moving slowly and looked decrepit (diseased and as though he had one foot in the grave)! 

*I think it's a Samoan restaurant right now. Or, at least, a kitchen that makes Samoan food (there's no sign on it indicating what it is, Samoans use it every few days, I never see any customers). What a waste of space. 
Yeah, It's A Samoan Restaurant And It Might Be Owned By Tela Girl's Daddy Because I Saw Him Outside Of It Again (09/01/23 At About 12:15 PM) Appearing As Though He Owned The Place And As Soon As He Saw ME Riding Past On My New Bike (Pictured Above) He Quickly Turned His Back To ME And Pulled The Young Samoan Girl Next To Him In Front Of Him And Walked Her Into The Restaurant. As He Did This (Walked Away) He Seemed To Have Said, "I'll Murder You...I Gotta Gun...Set Him Up...Shoot You...Don't Touch My Daughter...Rape You...You're Poor (No Money)...".

That Decrepit Cracker Turned His Back To ME Like This As If To Say, 'I Don't Respect That Poor, Short, Mentally Unstable, Mexican, Nobody, So I Won't Give Him The Satisfaction Of Being Recognized By ME!'

Anyway, when I saw her bald, overweight, decrepit looking daddy grab the adolescent Samoan girl standing next to him and rush her into the door of the Samoan restaurant I thought to myself, “he likely thinks that I would take my anger out on he or his granddaughter, he likely thinks that I’m a poor boy that can’t afford his daughter or a family and would take my anger out about this on his daughter’s family. Or maybe he thought I wanted to be the girl's father. Boy, is he WRONG.”

I Think I May Dine There And Possibly Apply There One Day.

Read about why they treated me that way here:
...we're not conscious of it, we treat people differently based on our perception of who they are...

Tela Girl Thinks She's Smarter And More Attractive Than She Is!
The fat, fag actually thought I was homosexual when she in fact is the homosexual. The audacity of that cracker! She had the WRONG IDEA about ME the moment she saw ME and became attracted to ME! Read the links below to get a better idea of who she is (her personality type):

All Links Applicable To Tela Girl, By The Way!
Game Player

Assortative mating is not only an effect of social homogamy or proximity - people have preferences for similarity. For example, men and women high in the Dark Triad are more attracted to others high in the DT than men and women low in the DT are. The same for Big Five traits and other personality factors.

All Links Applicable To Tela Girl, By The Way!

Anyway, not only would I not like to be part of the basketball industry because of the underclass, urban, black culture it's associated with (embedded in), but from my genetic standpoint I'd be aiding in the survival and reproduction of black (African) genes if I were to coach black males and I'm not black (African), so I'd be working against my genetic interests if I'd do that! That would be similar to me adopting and raising a black child (a black child that I have no genetic relationship to) then helping that black child reproduce. Why am I in Hawaii?
This is what I'd look like if I were coaching a black AAU team or any other predominantly black basketball team, for that matter!

"That doesn't mean anything [what you're writing on your blog is having no effect on anybody] one cares about that [no one cares about you or what you're writing on your blog]...that's over [that time in Hawaii no longer exists and whoever you once were (your time as a privilege kid) is over]..." - Clint. Clint is a black male raised and abandoned in Hawaii by his poor, single black mother. Moreover, Clint is of average to below average intelligence, average athleticism, average looks, and from an average background (didn't have high status because of the family he came from or because of any exceptional talent). So, life for Clint as a working class guy in Hawaii that can gain sexual access to non-black females is as good as it'll get for him. Plus, he's uneducated and isn't intellectually inclined, so he doesn't know the why he's motivated to do what he does (he just goes through life on autopilot oblivious to the evolutionary and genetic influences that drive him) nor want to know why he's motivated to do what he does. Clint and I are from entirely different backgrounds, but what we have in common is the game of basketball. 
Clint may be right. What I'm writing on my blogs may have no bearing on my life or his, but the passages I've copied to the above blog posts describe him and his latent motives very well.

Read about Clint's mating psychology, mate preference, and mate value as a black male in the above link.

Why do black males like Clint enjoy living in Hawaii? because it's the most liberal state in America and liberalism cultivates and facilitates interracial breeding, i.e. makes it easier for black males to date, mate, and procreate with non-black females* (typically less attractive, less intelligent, lower self-esteem possessing, lower status White females or Filipinas or admixed Hawaiian females).
The heavy girls tend to mate with the darkies.

Pay The Cost!

The political party in power determines the sexual climate of a society.
Political ideology is representative of your mating psychology (pursuit of short term or long term mating, preference for promiscuity or chastity).

Hawaii has been a democratic run state for decades. Hence, greater female sexual empowerment has led to a more fast life environment, a more short term mating climate, multiculturalism, greater interracial mating, and a more single mothers.

White females with mulatto children are significantly less educated. They perform significantly worse on the ASVAB test. They average a higher body mass index [BMI]. In personality test scores they are, on average, more difficultmore quarrelsomemore stubborn, and less dependable. They are significantly more likely to say that they lie and cheat often.”


Inbreeding and Tribalism

Being more closely attached to one's family, ethnic group, and place of birth is sometimes referred to as tribalism. This tendency affects political orientation. For example, conservative opposition to immigration reflects xenophobia whereas the liberal acceptance of other ethnic groups is xenophilia.

To the extent that xenophobia reflects fear of the unknown, it may be considered a mechanism for avoiding outbreeding depression. Conversely, the liberal openness to other ethnicities can be considered a mechanism for avoidance of inbreeding. According to this view, human variation in openness could have arisen as a means of selecting for variation in outbreeding.

Although supported by a variety of evidence in neurosciencepersonality, and genetics these ideas are downplayed because they evoke eugenics scandals of history (2).

Tribalism and Conservatism

Conservatives are family oriented and celebrate the groups to which they belong. Conversely, they are less open to new experiences and people of diverse backgrounds that fuels antagonism towards immigrant groups. Such propensities favor mating with others from the community and prevent extreme, and possibly deleterious, outbreeding.

Favoring one's own family can mean monopolizing resources such as land and wealth that may be inherited by subsequent generations. This orientation would be favored by evolution in environments where resources are scarce. This helps explain why people become more conservative during difficult economic times.

To the extent that monopolizing resources may harm the interests of out groups, it feeds intergroup friction. It also goes along with a mindset that the world is a harshly competitive place populated with winners and losers. Conservatives thus find it easier to justify stark income inequality than liberals do (2).

The xenophilic attraction increases the chance that the xenophile's chromosomes may recombine with the more distantly related DNA of an admired out-group member. The anti-ethnocentrist on the far left may also yearn for a universal equality between all people, but believe that this dream can only be achieved by (forcefully) eliminating tribal identities that prevent brotherhood between peoples - and that prevent exogamy.
To generalize from this example, the anti-ethnocentrism of the extreme far left pushes for assimilation and exogamy, even at the cost of ethnocide...

...These anti-ethnocentric tactics have historically formed part of an ethnocidal agenda to assimilate indigenous genes into a larger national gene pool. 


I'm not a pedophile, rapist or pervert. I just write jokes about pedophilia, rape, and perversion that only I find humorous.

"Seeing an unconscious person lying in the street is legitimately alarming, whether they are injured, asleep, high, or overdosing. It makes children distressed and for good reason: They sense something dangerous and unusual is happening in front of them"
And I'm sure many of you would like to see me like this - dead from a gunshot wound to the head! (

I'll Repeat The Story Behind This Photo Later Today. NoI Wasn't Knocked Out!) OK. I Have Time To Repeat The Story. In August Of 2018, Just After Arriving At The Bus Stop Directly Across From The Hawaii State Library (About 7 PM), A Samoan Male In His Mid-40s Approached ME And Asked If I Were Samoan And I Told Him 'No'. Then He Asked If He Could Have Some Of The 24 Ounce Can Of Beer That I Was Drinking And I Told Him 'Sure'. While We Drank And Waited For The Bus He Told ME (His Name Is Daniel) That He Was From Long Beach (SOS), Had Recently Been Released From San Quentin And Had Been Given A Flight To Hawaii (It Was His First Time In Hawaii And He Just Picked Up Medication From Queens Hospital Before Arriving At The Bus Stop). So, ME Being The Kind, Generous Person That I Am, Offered To Take Him To Dinner* And To Have Some More Drinks. He Took ME Up On That Offer, So We Got On A Bus That Brought Us To M.A.C. 24/7 Where We Dined And Had More Drinks. While Eating And Drinking, I Made Him Another Offer. I Offered To Allow Him To Stay In The Apartment I Was Living In Until He Found A Place Of His Own And He Agreed To That As Well. However, Once I Got To The Apartment's Patio I Reneged On The Deal And Instead Called A Samoan Girl I'd Recently Met And Asked Her If She Could House Him. I Handed The Phone Over To Daniel And Allowed He And The Samoan Girl To Speak While I Directed Daniel's Attention To A Couch On The Patio (Making Sure That He Understood That He Could Sleep There) Then Laid Down To Sleep. I Believe He Took The Photo Of ME After Speaking With The Samoan Girl. Then Awoke ME Several Hours Later And Told ME He Was Leaving (Going To Look For His Ex-White Girlfriend). Why Did He Take That Photo? Probably Because Of The Truthful, Accurate, And Insightful Things I Told Him While We Dined.

While We Ate He Pulled Out A Photo Of A White Female And Said He Was Looking For Her (An Ex-Girlfriend** Of His) And The Entire Time We Were At The Table He Was Blasting 80s Pop Lock Music From A Hand Held, Portable Boom Box!

Was The Samoan Male That I Mention In The Story Above Attempting To Deceive ME, Lure ME To My Room, Rape ME, And Murder ME? NO! He Was Being Honest And Truthful. By The Way Big Dave, Do You Think He May Have Been Related To The Few Samoans I Know From Southern California. Do You Think He Was Sent To Murder ME By One Of The Few Samoans That I Know From Southern California? NO! His Story Was Genuine (He Was A Samoan That Randomly Happened To Be At The Same Place As ME At The Same Time).

 **The Photo Looked Like It Was From The 90s And Seemed To Have Water Marks On It (Possibly Sperm Stains).

Joey Getherall like 1:43!

"The appearance of weakness often brings out people's aggressive side, making them drop strategy and prudence for an emotional and violent attack...Once it is too late...they can found out the hard way that you are not so weak after all."