I'm in the process of updating this blog. I've got approximately 45 minutes to do this. When I'm done you'll have a very good idea of how well I read you idiots! Anyway, why did I upload the audio of me speaking to the bouncer at My Bar in Kona after being blindsided (cheap shot) there? Why do I upload videos of me being berated, belittled, and bullied by my crass, lower class, unintelligent, unattractive, and obnoxious (ADHD runs her family) roommate? Why do I post photos of myself with blemishes on my face and cuts and bruises on my face (after being attacked without provocation by my roommate)? Why do I write and say (in public) that I'm poor and homeless and friendless and penniless (panhandle) and that I'm a low status, loner, loser? I do this to fool you people, I do this to read* you people, and I do this because it's my form of costly signaling. (I'll further explain this tomorrow. Here's the gist of the explanation, though. My genes are so superior and my background is so superior (I had such high status and come from such a high status family) that I can make public status lowering incidents and proclaim things about myself that lower my status and still get respect from males and sex from females.)
*Then I go into the real world and pay close attention to how you idiots treat me - like a low status person or a person with a psychological disorder http://methalashun.blogspot.com/2017/07/went-cuckoogot-loose-screwsim-nuttz.html or an incompetent person http://methalashun.blogspot.com/2020/12/my-brothers-had-children-with-inferior.html https://twitter.com/robkhenderson/status/1713944988440986008. Here's an example. I was at the Kapiolani 24 Hour Fitness this past Tuesday (10/03/23) at about 4 PM when a short (5'4), muscular, Nip with long hair in his late 40s accused me of walking too closely to him and reproached me for this. Why did he do this? He did this because he perceived me as a lower status person that he could dictate and dominate. That is, his dominance display (angrily accusing me of literally crossing his path and cutting him off, staring at me threateningly, and attempting to provoke me into a fight) was prompted by he seeing video and photo of me living with a native female with a part Japanese daughter leading him to believe I was a cuckold, seeing video and photos of me being bullied, bossed around, and battered by this native female, reading the email entitled Lay Low in which I begin each message with a Spanish word for apology then intentionally write nonsensical paragraphs (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/16/saying-im-sorry-can-make-people-think-poorly-of-you-research-heres-what-successful-people-do-instead.html Studies have shown that those of lower status are more likely to apologize to higher status individuals, and furthermore, that lower status individuals are more likely to offer longer apologies https://ro.ecu.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1126&context=theses_hons https://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3499&context=gc_etds#:~:text=Thus%2C%20those%20with%20low%20power,upset%20than%20they%20really%20are.), and seeing me walking the streets of Honolulu (all indications of being a low status male). Idiots like he kill me (make me laugh to myself). LOL!
And, as I mentioned at the start, always remember: You’re going to die soon enough anyway; even if it’s a hundred years from now, that’s still the blink of a cosmic eye. In the meantime, live like a scientist—even a controversial one with only an ally or two in all the world—and treat life as a grand experiment, blood, sweat, tears and all. Bear in mind that there's no such thing as a failed experiment—only data.
Reno not pictured.
*The first time any of my siblings encountered*** a Filipino was when they moved to Hawaii in the 1970s. Since then, they've seen some in California and only a couple of them have befriend one (Tina met one through the pharmaceutical industry and Richie met one through the surf industry). My older siblings don't mesh well with Filipinos because Filipinos are socially and culturally different than my siblings. (When Richie sees a Filipino nowadays, whether a male or female, he says 'Pinoy Pinay, Pinoy Pinay' but pronounces Pinoy like PIN O and Pinay like PEEN A (the long vowel version of A).)
Jarod's mother is 25% Filipino and has absolutely no connections to the Philippines because her father had absolutely no connections to the Philippines. She In Fact Isn't Too Fond Of Filipinos Because They've Often Mistaken Her For Being Filipino Based On Her Facial Features (Culturally she's white like the rest of us).
On 11/28/24 I'll Tell You What My Daddy Did To A Employee Here In 1986.
Using this gene-counting approach to kinship, J.B.S Haldane, a geneticist and evolutionary biologist, once remarked that he would be willing to risk his life for the survival of 2 of his brothers or 8 of his cousins. What did he mean by this?
From an evolutionary perspective, kin are worth assisting in direct relationship to their blood relatedness, or the probability that two individuals share genes (r). For example, two siblings share approximately 50% of their genes with one another (as a single gene either came from the shared mother or father). Depending on the cost (c) to the individual and the benefit (b) accrued by the kin with a certain measure of relatedness (r), a gene may increase in frequency if it promotes altruistic behavior.
J.B.S Haldane was remarking on the fact that the combined coefficient of his relationship among 8 first-cousins (0.125 each), 2 brothers (0.5 each), and himself, is identical—1. Assuming identical costs and benefits, J.B.S Haldane correctly deduced that he would increase his inclusive fitness equally in either scenario, aiding in the survival of 8 first-cousins or 2 brothers. Instances of altruism, in which organisms aid in the survival of kin, are easily explained under this premise. (Altruism among non-related individuals (0) is called reciprocal altruism and can be a stable evolutionary practice if certain conditions are met.)
I Was Living In Oceanside And Redondo Beach At The Time Of His Passing.
Prior To Steven Marrying That UGLY Mexican He Had A Number Of White Girlfriends (One Was A Close Friend Of Brooke* Shields). Gery Had A Number Of Mexican Girlfriends In The 80s (He'd Go Into The Barrios Of Los Angeles To Acquire Them). Richie In The 80s Had A Number Of White Girlfriends And Continues To Have White Girlfriends. David Had His Fair Share Of White Girls In The 80s And 90s. He's Now Settled For An Inferior Hispanic**. I've NEVER Had A Girlfriend Because I'm Poor And Ugly (https://twitter.com/robkhenderson/status/1716899827085377818). Tomorrow I'll Tell You About Steven Holding Gery And One Of Gery's Girlfriends From High School (Sophia Mendoza From Azusa) Hostage At Knife Point, Not Because Steven Was Jealous Of Gery, But Because Steven Was Incompatible With Gery (Two Entirely Different People Personality Wise).
*Brooks Street!