Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Gery's Full Of It [Shit] - Dick In Ya Ass...That Guy's [Richie's] A Screwball [Oddball] - Hard Ass Dick After Catching Wind Of Richie's Bizarre Behavior While Working At One Of Alpha Therapeutics Plants In The 80s

 I'm in the process of updating this blog. I've got approximately 45 minutes to do this. When I'm done you'll have a very good idea of how well I read you idiots! Anyway, why did I upload the audio of me speaking to the bouncer at My Bar in Kona after being blindsided (cheap shot) there? Why do I upload videos of me being berated, belittled, and bullied by my crass, lower class, unintelligent, unattractive, and obnoxious (ADHD runs her family) roommate? Why do I post photos of myself with blemishes on my face and cuts and bruises on my face (after being attacked without provocation by my roommate)? Why do I write and say (in public) that I'm poor and homeless and friendless and penniless (panhandle) and that I'm a low status, loner, loser? I do this to fool you people, I do this to read* you people, and I do this because it's my form of costly signaling. (I'll further explain this tomorrow. Here's the gist of the explanation, though. My genes are so superior and my background is so superior (I had such high status and come from such a high status family) that I can make public status lowering incidents and proclaim things about myself that lower my status and still get respect from males and sex from females.) 

*Then I go into the real world and pay close attention to how you idiots treat me - like a low status person or a person with a psychological disorder or an incompetent person Here's an example. I was at the Kapiolani 24 Hour Fitness this past Tuesday (10/03/23) at about 4 PM when a short (5'4), muscular, Nip with long hair in his late 40s accused me of walking too closely to him and reproached me for this. Why did he do this? He did this because he perceived me as a lower status person that he could dictate and dominate. That is, his dominance display (angrily accusing me of literally crossing his path and cutting him offstaring at me threateninglyand attempting to provoke me into a fight) was prompted by he seeing video and photo of me living with a native female with a part Japanese daughter leading him to believe I was a cuckold, seeing video and photos of me being bullied, bossed around, and battered by this native female, reading the email entitled Lay Low in which I begin each message with a Spanish word for apology then intentionally write nonsensical paragraphs ( Studies have shown that those of lower status are more likely to apologize to higher status individuals, and furthermore, that lower status individuals are more likely to offer longer apologies,upset%20than%20they%20really%20are.), and seeing me walking the streets of Honolulu (all indications of being a low status male). Idiots like he kill me (make me laugh to myself). LOL!

"The appearance of weakness often brings out people's aggressive side, making them drop strategy and prudence for an emotional and violent attack...Once it is too late...they can found out the hard way that you are not so weak after all."

And, as I mentioned at the start, always remember: You’re going to die soon enough anyway; even if it’s a hundred years from now, that’s still the blink of a cosmic eye. In the meantime, live like a scientist—even a controversial one with only an ally or two in all the world—and treat life as a grand experiment, blood, sweat, tears and all. Bear in mind that there's no such thing as a failed experiment—only data.

What does the 'dagrindizreel' mean? That sounds like nigger Ebonics and I don't recall you being too fond of niggers. Anyway, I couldn't imagine dad browsing, let alone creating an Instagram to promote himself, especially when he was in his 60s. Social media is for teeny boppers (, egoists, and narcissists*. Psychologically, I have an understanding of why average joes use Instagram, but I'm still trying to understand why anybody in Dad's immediate (nuclear) family would. Allow me some more time to try to arrive at an answer.
Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch “Modern life is so mediated by electronic images that we cannot help responding to others as if their actions- and our own- were being transmitted to an unseen audience or stored for scrutiny at some later time”

"Our screens are more seductive than the pool into which Narcissus gazed at his own reflection...We...get our online persona reflected back to us, in all its edited perfection. We get instant assurance, in the form of likes, replies, and personalised feeds"

Do you know how you can portray yourself on Instagram, Richie?  As the high IQ, educated, worldly (knows many cultures, many social classes, many time periods in history) proper English speaking person that you are.

"Social media are thus the self-presenter’s dream...The narcissistic personality especially likes this because he or she seeks admiration and can therefore send each viewer a carefully crafted, dazzlingly admirable image of the self"

“No one [he, his father, and that Mexican looking brother that he writes about are NO ONES] …no money…has a little one [small penis]…my brother's going to visit me*” - Hadas, a fair-skinned, sandy blonde (light brown) haired, 5'4, Israeli female behavioral specialist (works with kids with behavioral problems) in her early-mid 30s from Oregon, but now living in LaniKai. Hadas said this while I spoke to her in this sauna yesterday (03/10/23) at about 6 PM. (Hadas was attracted to me the moment she laid eyes on me and has become further attracted after our short conversations, but like the majority of non-Hawaiian girls that I've spoken to in Hawaii she seems not to realize that I'm not here for girls of her ethnic and racial makeup!)

At this event (my brother Steven's wedding) my brother Richie approached Reno's date (a little Mexican girl named Paz from Lennox or Hawthorne or Inglewood or whatever ghetto she's from) and began mockingly speaking to her in Spanish and playfully slapping her. Reno either saw this or had it brought to his attention and became infuriated. But he didn't respond violently (like he's inclined to do). Why? because he knew Richie would respond even more violently, he recognized that he was outnumbered, and knew that we (Dick Dagampat's family) was the higher status family. So, Reno walked outside with his sisters and cousins and stewed and seethed with anger while he stared at me with rage in his eyes (there was a large window that gave a view of the ballroom from outside*). We don't know our cousins and we look at our aunt Leimomi's family as being beneath us (ghetto people).

*Outside, GAYHEA! LOL!

Reno not pictured.

2 More Stories About Richie's Belligerent Past: In '82 Or '83 Richie Along With My Brother Steven And A Group Of Their Friends From The Wilson Side Of Hacienda Heights Crashed A Party On The Los Altos Side Of Hacienda Heights (The Wealthier And, At That Time, Whiter Side Of Hacienda Heights) And When The White, High School Aged Male Throwing The Party And His White High School Aged Girl Friend Confronted Them, Richie Knocked The White Boy Out Then Slapped His Girlfriend And Continued Partying (These Were The Good Ol' Days When Hacienda Heights Was Still White). Then There Was A Similar Party (Except This One May Have Been On The Wilson Side) In '85 Or '86 Where Richie Again Knocked A White Boy Out And Began Bashing His Head Into The Concrete. Luckily For The White Boy, A Bystander (Likely Another White Boy) Ran Inside Of The House The Party Was Being Held, Found My Brother Gery, And Told Him, "You'd Better Get Outside And Stop Your Brother Before He Kills This Guy". So, Gery Ran Outside And Stopped Him (Stopped Richie From Killing The White Boy). 

I have no idea who this Mexican piece of shit is. She's not related to me. That's for sure.
Read about this girl in the Yahoo email entitled: Vaca Familia.
As an aside, look at Kameron's face then look at this Mexican piece of shit's face. Kameron has a similarly shaped face as this Mexican (long and narrow) in spite of the fact that Kameron is less than 25% Mexican (his facial shape is more a product of his mother's French genes). Humans tend to form long-term relationships with partner's that they share similarities with (psychological, behavioral, and PHYSICAL similarities).
His face is even longer now that it's fully formed as an adult, but this is the only photo I have of him, so you'll just have to take my word! Do you see the similarity in shape between he and the Mexican's face? Below is his French mother (from who he acquired this long face).  
And Read About This Girl In The Email Entitled: Foe Head Slope.
My Brothers Had Children With Genetically Inferior Women! And It Started With Steven!

See This Brother Of Mine? His Name Is Spelled G-E-R-And Pronounced G A R YGERY Is A Catholic, So He's Not A Minister (If He Were A Clergyman He'd Be Considered A Priest Because Catholics Don't Refer To Their Clergymen As Ministers). GERY Knows The Mexican Boy That Created This Write Up About Him Through His Years Of Coaching Football And Basketball At Catholic Schools (This Was In The Late 80s And Early 90s). During This Time GERY Coached Numerous Catholic, Mexican Boys And Would Sometimes Bring Them To Our Parents House On Allenton Ave. To Play Basketball And Swim. On One Occasion, One Of These Mexican Boys Was Shooting Around With Richie And I As Richie Jokingly Bullied Him (Taunted Him And Lightly Roughed Him Up As He Mockingly Said Spanish Words To Him) When GERY Came Outside And Noticed This He Immediately Reprimanded Richie (Said Some Profane And Vulgar Things To Him) And As Richie Headed Back Into The House Gery Yelled, "YOU'RE UGLY" Then Turned To ME And Said, "NEVER PACK**** IT IN LIKE THAT."



2005. This Is My Sister Tina's Home (My Father Gave It To Her). You Can Tell It's Her Home By The Cold, Sterile, Barrenness Of It (The Lack Of Warmth With Regard To The Interior Design!) 

Steven graduated like I graduated. Steven and I are dissimilar in a number of ways, however, and this dissimilarity stems from our differing upbringings. I was similar to an only child in the household I was raised because I had only my younger sister to compete with and as I've previously stated, my parents invested more in me than they did in her whereas Steven had to compete with 5 older siblings at a time when my parents were younger and less established (notwealthy). Secondly, I was a star athlete, highly respected by my peers and recognized outside of my community whereas Steven often relocated to new neighborhoods during his childhood and teenage years because of our father's military obligations and never achieved my level of athletic success. Lastly, by the time I was born my father had become much more softhearted, so he didn't parent with the same belligerence, violence (verbal and physical abuse), callousness, cruelty, and lack of sympathy that he did with my older siblings. 

One of the most provocative findings in behavior genetics thoroughly replicated: Growing up in the same family does not make people more similar to each other.

**A son of a gun! I'm a eugenicist, so I won't have a child unless I find a female that meets my standards. And, as I've previously stated, that is my brother Richie's son.

haw808? I don't know why there's this haw808 lettering and numbering at the end of this link. Steven lives in Texas and has a 760 area code number and like the rest of my siblings, has no ties, especially no work-related ties, to Hawaii.


Later today I'll tell you all what my older siblings think about Filipinos. Here's a hint: growing up in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s they didn't live where Filipinos lived* and hence hardly knew any. I think Gery had 1 Filipino friend in high school (some guy that attended Workman High School) and Tina had one 1 Filipino friend in high school (her name is Cathy Cruz). See the above photo? My brother Richie wasn't close to the Alpenias when he was younger (60s, 70s, 80, 90s). He only recently** began associating with them and attending their parties after frequently encountering Jack's daughters Stephanie and Gigi in Huntington Beach in the mid-2000s. He's the only sibling of mine that maintains any relationship with that family. There were many, many Filipino families that my father knew, but now that he's deceased, we have no contact with any of those families. As for Filipinos we're related to, they all descend from the union between Claudio Bagobe Dagampat and Anna Kekoi Dagampat. That is, the Filipinos we're related to are racially admixed and don't really identify as Filipino.

*The first time any of my siblings encountered*** a Filipino was when they moved to Hawaii in the 1970s. Since then, they've seen some in California and only a couple of them have befriend one (Tina met one through the pharmaceutical industry and Richie met one through the surf industry). My older siblings don't mesh well with Filipinos because Filipinos are socially and culturally different than my siblings. (When Richie sees a Filipino nowadays, whether a male or female, he says 'Pinoy Pinay, Pinoy Pinay' but pronounces Pinoy like PIN O and Pinay like PEEN A (the long vowel version of A).)

This is a sadistic, sociopath that recreated his identity (reinvented*** himself) in the late 90s. He wasn't a surfer in the 80s and early 90s when Steven and David were surfing, he was a fisherman, mad man, and strongman.  I'll tell you more later.

***He became 'Hawaiian surfer, Kamo Hamo Hele Pele' in the mid-2000s. In the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s he was as WHITE as all of his WHITE friends. 

Jarod's mother is 25% Hawaiian and has no connections to Hawaii other than the connections her father made while living and working on Oahu with his wife and kids in the 70s (as of 2024 just a handful of connections remain from this period of his life).
Jarod's mother is 25% Filipino and has absolutely no connections to the Philippines because her father had absolutely no connections to the Philippines. She In Fact Isn't Too Fond Of Filipinos Because They've Often Mistaken Her For Being Filipino Based On Her Facial Features (Culturally she's white like the rest of us).
No connection to those primitive savages and their backwards culture.
OK, Natives. Do You See The Person To The Left? His Genes Are The Reason I'm In Your Territory (I Want To Do His Genes Justice). About The Guy To The Left: He Was Relatively Well Known And Respected, Especially Among Whites. He May Have Been Part Hawaiian Genetically, But Culturally He Was White (You'd Have Recognized This By His Beliefs, Way Of Life And The Way He Spoke) And Surrounded Himself With Whites (Worked With The White Man, Lived Among The White Man, Socialized With The White Man).  

OK. Do you see the lone brown-skinned person in these pictures? He was a genetic and sociocultural one-in-a-billion - an anomaly, an outlier (of high intelligence and high athleticism). He may have been genetically half Hawaiian, but he was culturally white and after leaving his mother's home he remained in white suburbia until his death. So, he was unlike the Hawaiians you people are familiar with (incomparable is a good word to describe him).   
09/11/24 I'll Tell You About Gery Receiving A Severe Beating By My Father When He Was In 8th Grade (One Of Countless Beatings Gery Endured At My Father's Hands). My father was violent sociopath that would badger, berate, and brutally beat his children.

On 11/28/24 I'll Tell You What My Daddy Did To A Employee Here In 1986. 

On Novemeber 28, 2024 I'll Also Tell You What My Father Did To Several Teenage Boys In 1976  In An Undeveloped Residential Plot Of Land Near Sunny Hills High School After They Stole My Brothers (David And Richie's) Bikes!

Then I'll Tell You A Story About Katy Running Away From Home (Fall 1994), Diane Searching For Her In Vain In This Community, Coming To This House To Give Our Father A Piece Of Her Mind, Giving Him A Piece Of Her Mind And Finishing Her Piece With A "FUCK YOU" Then My Father Chasing* Her Out Of The House And Down The Street As She Screamed, "He's Going To Murder Me!" In The Dead Of Night (Around 10 PM)! No, The Neighbors Weren't Out But She Made Sure All Of The Neighbors Heard From Within Their Houses.

*He Knocked Over The Dining Table And Blew Down The Door Leading Out Of The House And When He Returned To The House After Unsuccessfully Running Diane Down He Looked At ME And Said, "Clean All This Shit Up [The Table And Bills That Had Fallen To The Floor And The Door That Had Been Knocked Down]".  
"If I Had A $1 Every Time You Looked At ME Sidewayz!" - Mr. Free
My father, mother, sister Katy and I were on our way to La Palma (Jack Alpenia's house) to watch the '89 or '90 Super Bowl. As we were passing Avalo Dr. on Colima a white female in a sports car cut my father off. When my father got the chance, he pulled up to that sports car and began swerving towards it in an attempt to run it off the road (this was past Camino del Sur where a deep valley* exists next to the road). As he did this he cussed at the driver and she cussed back as well as gave him the bird. This continued (my father swerving into she and she cussing at him) until they ran into traffic a little south of Whittier Boulevard and came to a stop. At that stop my father exited the car, approached the woman's car [2 cars ahead of him], proceeded to cuss her out then slap the shit out of her. My father then returned to his car and when the light turned green he proceeded to pass her car (she was either unconscious or just didn't want to drive). While we continued our drive to Jack Alpenia's house my parents began to argue with one another and the argument became so explosive that my father nearly hit my mother (years earlier he vowed never to again hit her) and in this agitated state decided to return home (this was at Leffingwell and Colima Road). As we drove past Whittier Boulevard we saw the sports car still parked there (at Whittier and Colima) with several cop cars surrounding it.


Victor Holbrook's brother Matt had just bought this single and because neither of them were old enough to drive they'd catch rides around town with my sister Tina. On one occasion, Matt wound up forgetting (leaving) the tape in my sister Tina's car, so days later he asked me to ask her for it, but she never gave it to me. A week or so past and we received a call from an angry Mexican woman (it was Matt and Vic's mother) she wanted to speak to our father, so our father was put on the phone (I think my mother answered the phone). When my father got on the phone the angry Mexican woman began belittling and berating him and he thought to himself, "who the hell is this lady to tell me these things in this manner" and immediately hanged up the phone and called out my sister Tina's name. Tina came running and approached my father and as soon as she was in arm's length he picked up a 1,000+ page dictionary that weighed nearly 20 lbs and bashed it on top of her head and as she tried to flee he he grabbed her by her right arm and slapped the shit out of she! Tina had a pilfering problem at that time, so this was the way my father helped her break that habit!  

Gery Related A Story To ME In The 80s About A White Friend Of His That He Shared With Steven (A Mutual Friend Of Theirs) That Told Gery That Steven Told Him (The White Friend) That Gery Was 'The Black Sheep' Of The Family And That No One Liked Him! Gery Was Devastated By Those Words.
When David Was At The Top Of His Surf Game ('88).
In 1983 or 1984 as I was resting in my parents master bedroom with my mother I heard a rumbling, thumping sound followed by slapping sounds. My mother and I were both startled and as we listened longer we could hear muffled cussing. My mother then determined that my brothers Steven and Gery were fighting. So, my mother grabbed a 9 iron from my father's golf bag and we rushed upstairs to their room with it. Sure enough, we my mother opened the bedroom door both brothers were exchanging blows with one another and to break it up my mother began swinging the golf club at Gery (bashing him in the body and head several times). After a few swings with the club, Steven snatched it out of her hands and began clubbing Gery with it as well. TO BE CONTINUED... 

I Tell You What My Father Did To ME On The Green Of The 10th Hole At This Course (Camp Pendleton) Tomorrow (11/28/24).
First, I'll tell you what my daddy did to me in 6th grade on a Sunday like that which you see in the above picture. While playing football with a number of my friends on the street in front of my house (Allenton Avenue), I, along with my friends, overheard my parents arguing (when my father became agitated he'd fly off of the hinges and everybody within earshot would her him quarreling and cussing) then saw my mother flee the house, get into her car and speed away. Moments later my father shouted my name from the front door and demanded that I immediately come into the house. Once I got into the house he proceed to beat the shit out of me via slaps and punches to the face and body while he disparaged my mother. My brother David never came into the house to stop the beating. Instead, he told all of my friends to go home while leaving the scene as well. The following day I attended class at Grazide Elementary and asked my best friend Brandon Jelani Reed if everybody there had heard my father beating and berating me and he said, "yeah."

 And like Richie said, "those people are from the Ghet-Toooooo!"

Shaka SMART, Kristin!
 Wasn't Too Fond Of Gery When He Was Younger. Why? Because Gery Enjoyed Physically And Psychologically Dominating All Of His Peers (Beating Them At Sports And Intimidating Them). Gery Was Too Brash, Aggressive, And Domineering For SCOOBY's Taste!

A Couple Of More Stories About Richie And Gery. Richie Held A Football Record At Wilson And A Few Years After He Graduated A BIG Blond Haired, Blue-Eyed White Male That Was A Friend Of Tina's Was Closing In On It. So, To Reestablish Dominance At Wilson And Potentially Prevent That BIG White Male From Breaking The Record Richie Had Set And Prohibit His Further Developing Of A Relationship With Our Sister, Richie Attended One Of Tina's Volleyball Games, Approached The BIG White Male In The Stands And Slapped Him In Front Of All In Attendance (A Few Hundred) Then Sat Down To Watch The Volleyball Game. As An Aside, That BIG Blond Haired, Blue Eyed White Male's Father Was A High Ranking Police Officer In The LAPD* But There Was Never Any Retaliation On His Or His Father's Part. At Least, Not That I Know Of.

*In The 70s And 80s, Hacienda Heights Was Home To Numerous Law Enforcement Agents (Attorneys, Detectives, Police Officers, Etc.).  

In The Early 90s Tina* Told Adele (The Girlfriend Gery Had Reunited With After Nearly A Decade) That Gery Was Cheating On Her. So One Day Gery Arrived At The Allenton Ave. Home While Only My Mother, ME, And Tina Were There, Entered The Home, Found Tina In The Kitchen And Proceeded To Wallop Her (Beat Her To A Pulp). I Was Told To Go Outside Prior To Gery Beating Her (Gery Told ME To Go Outside As Soon As He Entered The House And Saw ME) And While I Was Out There Katy Was Being Dropped Off By A Chinese Mother And When That Chinese Mother Heard My Mother And Tina's Screaming She Said (The Chinese Mother Said) "Is She OK...It Sounds Like She Needs Help!" And I Responded, "Everything Is Fine Ma'am...They're Just Having A Little Fun...Thank You For Dropping My Sister Off..." To Which The Chinese Woman Said, "OK" Then Sped Away.

*Richie's Beaten Tina And So Has Diane.

This Book Thoroughly Explains The Basis Of Family Conflict (Parent-Child Conflict, Sibling Rivalry, Etc.) And Thus Helps Clarify All Of The Tension And Quarreling That Occurred In My Family.

Using this gene-counting approach to kinship, J.B.S Haldane, a geneticist and evolutionary biologist, once remarked that he would be willing to risk his life for the survival of 2 of his brothers or 8 of his cousins. What did he mean by this?

From an evolutionary perspective, kin are worth assisting in direct relationship to their blood relatedness, or the probability that two individuals share genes (r). For example, two siblings share approximately 50% of their genes with one another (as a single gene either came from the shared mother or father). Depending on the cost (c) to the individual and the benefit (b) accrued by the kin with a certain measure of relatedness (r), a gene may increase in frequency if it promotes altruistic behavior.

J.B.S Haldane was remarking on the fact that the combined coefficient of his relationship among 8 first-cousins (0.125 each), 2 brothers (0.5 each), and himself, is identical—1. Assuming identical costs and benefits, J.B.S Haldane correctly deduced that he would increase his inclusive fitness equally in either scenario, aiding in the survival of 8 first-cousins or 2 brothers. Instances of altruism, in which organisms aid in the survival of kin, are easily explained under this premise. (Altruism among non-related individuals (0) is called reciprocal altruism and can be a stable evolutionary practice if certain conditions are met.)

And the reason is simple: a child is twice as closely related to itself as it is to its full siblings, but the parents are equally related to all their children. Any act by a child which confers a net benefit on the other children is good news to a parent. But a child’s psychology has been designed to make it want to see at least twice the benefit go to its full sibling before it is prepared to make a sacrifice for it.

Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I'll Tell You What My Daddy Did In A Game At Elmendorf* Air Force Base In 
Anchorage, Alaska On Another Day! OK. This Is What He Did. A White Male On The Opposing Team Taunted And Talked Head (Trash Talked) To Him Throughout The Game, So My Daddy Waited Until That White Boy Was On A Breakaway Layup And As That White Boy Drove And Jumped Towards The Basket My Daddy Ran Into Him At Full Force And Blasted Him (Tackled Him) Into The Bleachers Crumpling And Crippling Him (Breaking Several Of His Bones) As My Brothers Steven And Gery Looked On And He (The Cracker) Laid In The Fetal Position Crying In Agony!

"Had The Browns Drafted ME NO ONE Would Have Known About Jim Brown" - Strait From The Dick

*My Father Was Telling ME That When He'd Gather All Of The White Males At This Air Force Base (Elmendorf) To Speak To Them The Inuit Civilians That Worked On Base Would Look At Him (My Father) In Wonderment And Awe. Why? Because He Felt That They'd Think To Themselves, "This Guy That Looks Like Us Is Commanding The Attention And Respect Of All These White Men. Who Is This Inuit?" He'd Have A Parka On With The Hood Covering His Head While He Spoke To The White Man In The Freezing Cold!
My Father Had No Ties To Hawaii Other Than Those He Made While At The Naval Academy And When Stationed At Hickam Air Force Base And While Teaching At UH In The 70s. (Francis Hasegawa Is A Friend Of My Father's From The Naval Academy.

Another friend of my father's from Hawaii that attended the Naval Academy.
My Daddy's Half Brother Born And Raised On Oahu (A Half Brother That He Seldom Kept Up With). Like I've Stated, My Father Didn't Really Identify With His Hawaiian Ancestry Or Have Much Pride In Or Knowledge Of Hawaiian Culture. He Was Just An Average, White American.

My brother Richie is nearly 60-years-old and losing his hair. Why is he losing hair? because he partook in steroid use in the 80s when he was playing collegiate football (Mt. San CSUF).


 I Was Living In Oceanside And Redondo Beach At The Time Of His Passing.

 Prior To Steven Marrying That UGLY Mexican He Had A Number Of White Girlfriends (One Was A Close Friend Of Brooke* Shields). Gery Had A Number Of Mexican Girlfriends In The 80s (He'd Go Into The Barrios Of Los Angeles To Acquire Them). Richie In The 80s Had A Number Of White Girlfriends And Continues To Have White Girlfriends. David Had His Fair Share Of White Girls In The 80s And 90s. He's Now Settled For An Inferior Hispanic**. I've NEVER Had A Girlfriend Because I'm Poor And Ugly ( Tomorrow I'll Tell You About Steven Holding Gery And One Of Gery's Girlfriends From High School (Sophia Mendoza From Azusa) Hostage At Knife Point, Not Because Steven Was Jealous Of Gery, But Because Steven Was Incompatible With Gery (Two Entirely Different People Personality Wise).

*Brooks Street!

In the early 2000s (2001 or so) David was dating and mating with a Mexican girl that worked for Oscar de la Hoya and was a childhood friend of Oscar de la Hoya! Her name is LeticiaI was hoping David would take Leticia to Mexico and eventually abandon her th