Nearly No Traits In Common With Her!

As I've Previously Stated, My Roommate Is A Brash, Crass, Low IQ Girl From The Lower Class. We're Nearly Polar Opposites*, Not Just Because Of Personality Differences, But Because Of Social Class And Cultural Differences (I'm From Upper Middle Class, White Suburbia Again, I'm Not A Pedophile Or Any Other Type Of Sexual Deviant (She Creates Lies Right On The Spot

There are numerous cultural barriers between me and you (native) people. Read about them below.
Biologists have long thought that speciation occurs most often on the edge of a species' range, where a small group of animals could more easily become isolated from the larger group, perhaps by moving beyond a mountain range or river. Once isolated, this small group would evolve independently of the larger group. Over time the small group could become so different that it would no longer interbreed with its parent group, gaining evolutionary major objection must be addressed: how can a new species become biologically isolated right in the middle of an existing species' range? According to the usual understanding of speciation, the new species would begin interbreeding with the existing one and quickly lose its distinct identity. This quandary has forced biologists to look more carefully at what they call reproductive isolating mechanisms. These mechanisms have a job much like that of the chaperones accompanying high school seniors on an overnight graduation trip: to prevent successful matings. Some reproductive isolating mechanisms depend on behavior. For example, the mating rituals of two species may be so different that sexual overtures end in a welter of mixed signals and inappropriate responses. Others are more visual. Primates, in particular, with their highly acute vision, often can identify suitable mating partners at a glance. (Mapping Human History: Genes, Race, and Our Common Origins)
Throughout human history, however, populations native to adjacent territories have often looked a great deal more similar to one another than blacks, whites, and Semites. And yet they have gone to great length to differentiate themselves from their slightly less related neighbors. Biologists have compared markings of ethnic separateness - including hairstyles, dress, ornamentation, languages, and laws - to a symbolic "pseudo-speciation."
These cultural differences likely function to exaggerate differences between the in-group and out-groups in order to encourage marriage within the in-group (i.e., endogamy). It makes sense, then, that more conservative members of a given group are more likely to wear - and to encourage or even enforce the wearing of - these ethnic markers of pseudo-speciation. By doing so, they promote endogamy. The public debate over the Islamic headscarf in Europe partially relates to this issue. (Our Political Nature)
Accordingly, cultural markers actually become a more accurate means of assessing kinship coefficient than do genotypic traits, in this narrow context. This would, in turn, help to explain why most social groups tend to be cultural in nature and, also, why people can be so strongly motivated to defend the cultural group of which they are a part and attack its perceived enemy. An obvious example, in an English context, would be the accent with which a person speaks. This tells other English people the individual's regional and social background and can thus be employed to infer the level of kinship to self. Clearly, how one chooses to dress conveys subtle cues about one's social and, to a lesser extent, geographical background, which likely advertise small genetic differences from those of a different social or geographical background. Indeed, research by Italian geneticist Luigi Cavalli-Sforza (1997) has shown that divisions and sub-divisions of languages correspond remarkably well with populations (as defined by genetic distances) and boundaries of steep genetic gradients. (Race Differences In Ethnocentrism)
Even if the English Channel did not separate the French from the British...if the British and French boyfriend and girlfriend cannot whisper sweet nothings to each other, they are not going to marry and have children. And still in this, the twenty-first century, few British or French are fluent in each other's language. And so they rarely marry - as they rarely married a millennium ago.
Different dialects, different languages, different mutually incomprehensible sounds separating populations? That is a concept, a phenomenon that any bird or insect watcher would be completely familiar with. Birds and insects, like us, are not interested in mating with an individual that makes sounds different from their own species' sounds....
Why should people be so ready to be xenophobic? In the case of animals and plants that avoid mating with individuals of other species, the answer is that hybrids between species usually do poorly. Indeed, many are sterile. The mule, a hybrid between horse and donkey, is perhaps the best-known example...
It seems to me that if humans actively avoid associating with people from another culture - and they indeed seem to - then they do so in large part for the same reason that species, including plants, avoid hybridization - the offspring can suffer problems. In the case of humans, the problems are social, not biological. The difficulties could be lack of communication between the parents, differences of opinion over diet, over holy days, and over any other of the many petty differences that separate cultures. (Humankind: How Biology and Geography Shape Human Diversity)
Natives, this is how you should look at me: as a researcher studying you people while searching for a Native mate similar to Kenneth Good when he was living among the Yanomamo. In
other words, look at me as the academic, outsider that I am.
I don't know if I've mentioned this, but this girl has the mental age of an 8th grader. That is, psychologically she's very much like a teenager (the questions she asks, the thoughts she conjures, and the ideas she proposes all suggest that her intelligence is low and that she's been deprived of sociocultural stimuli (education, peer group, family activities, etc.) that increase intelligence). So don't let her speaking fool you (and my reluctance to respond to her). The following describes her nearly to a T (Nor does Mann mention that he was illiterate, as Ali openly admitted. Early in his career, his IQ tested at 78. Gerald Early, a prominent black studies professor and editor of the “Muhammad Ali Reader,” commented, “He hadn’t a single idea in his head, really … I think the score was an honest reflection of Ali’s mental abilities.” Yet, Early notes, “He was intuitive, glib, richly gregarious, and intensely creative, like an artist.” (Like My Roommate).
I’m from a very rural area with a high poverty rate. I grew up working on a cattle ranch. One of the guys I worked with had to drop out of school in 4th grade to work full time doing agricultural work for his family. He had to work really hard as an adult to reach even a 6th grade reading level. He doesn’t read for pleasure, and by the standards of an educated, urban person, he’d be considered pretty ignorant. However, he can build anything. Fences, mechanical things, buildings, sprinkler systems, you name it. He’s funny as hell, and as a kid working around him I had no idea he was barely literate until his 30s.
Also applicable to her.
*She's similar to those niggettes from the ghetto that you see on Youtube fighting or cussing at one another or causing some other type of commotion in public - classless and tactless!
Koa belongs to Alina. not you peter
Read the email in my outlook account entitled, "Canine" The poor, dumb, ugly girl that I live with created another falsehood. The dog is mine and his name is Chief Cherokee Parks (I named him after a Mayate friend of mine). The wacky girl's mother found him wandering the streets then brought him to her daughter's home (while her daughter wasn't home) and left him with me in the hopes that I'd take care of him (nurse him back to health) and I've done that. I've provided him shelter and bedding, fed him a proper diet, walked him daily, played with him daily, etc. The poor, dumb, ugly girl does nothing but scold him and attempt to beat him while her Japanese daughter avoids him (avoids him because he sniff's her ass and humps her legi). Like I've stated, The poor, dumb, ugly girl is a compulsive liar.
Replying to @tracewoodgrains and @charlesmurray
1. Intelligence is what separates humans from animals.
2. If you have high intelligence, having to deal socially with people of low intelligence is unenjoyable.