No one has a choice in the year they were born. Thus we belong to a generation whether we like it or not. As writer Landon Jones puts it, "A generation is something that happens to people; it is like a social class or an ethnic group they are born into; it does not depend on the agreement of its members." Someone doesn't have to know or care that they are a Millennial to have been influenced by the technology and culture present when the generation was growing up.
The breakneck speed of cultural change means that growing up today is a completely different experience from growing up in the 1950s or the 1980s - or even the 2000s. These changes have an impact:
The era when you were born has a substantial influence on your behaviors, attitudes, values, and personality traits. In fact, when you were born has a larger effect on your personality and attitudes than the family who raised you does.
For instance, the popularity of R&B and hip hop (both genres predominated by blacks) and the dominance of blacks in football and basketball, has led to the ascendance of black culture in American society, making it more fashionable and resulting greater black representation in music and television. This in turn has had a socializing effect on non-black American youth born in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s (the genesis of black cultural prominence) who were exposed daily to television images and radio sounds of of blacks and black culture - a socializing effect that made non-black youth more familiar with and more fond of blacks and black culture ( Why do you think there's greater acceptance of black interracial dating and marriage in the United States? because black culture has attained greater status in America and black themselves have attained greater status (socioeconomic status) in America leading non-blacks to find they and their culture appealing. (An excerpt from my forthcoming book entitled The Niggerization of America!)
Race realism, in its simplified reduction of behavior to genes, can barely grasp how and why American whites have assimilated so many Africanized traits.
The depth psychologist Carl Jung, possibly as early as the 1920s, based on a trip he made to America, predicted that American whites would eventually be unable to stop "the heavy downward pull" of the "primitive life" of blacks.
What Jung could not apprehend at the time is that American culture would go on to celebrate integration as its greatest moral triumph and would go on to encourage whites to "go black" as a way of demonstrating that integration was working, that America was the "exceptional" nation that had managed to "perfect" its liberal constitution, as Obama put it, by creating a "post-racial" culture in which, as Michael Jackson said, "it don't matter if you're black or white" --- since whites now behave like blacks.
The US is a totally Africanized culture where blacks have the energy, the racial identity, and moral status to occupy center stage -------------- while whites hide in the last remaining white areas waiting to get into senior homes with childless children and media addicted grandchildren.
Look At ME!
Just imagine the amount of damage that CNN and pop/rap music has done to the US.
I'm A Bum And I Still Don't Know How Nigger Rap Benefits Society!
I Do Know One Thing Though And That's That The Social Justice Warriors Are Nigger Rap's Most Avid Supporters. I Learned This In The Above Paper.
Well, Maybe Nigger Rap Can Benefit Society. Maybe We Can Understand The Nigger* Mind By Analyzing It (Nigger Rap).
*What Makes The Nigger Tick (i.e. Murder His Rivals And Fuck Another Nigga's Bitch).
Politically, the Voting Rights Act writes Black Nationalism into law. It assumes that people of this particular minority cannot be represented by outsiders. The law doesn’t simply guarantee the right to vote, but has been interpreted to actively require the drawing of congressional districts where blacks make up a majority of voters. African Americans have their own TV networks, distinct cultural heroes, and historical teleology. They want to be governed and policed by their own kind, and maintain their own educational establishments, dorms, and graduation ceremonies. While there are some brands that cater more to Hispanics than others, it is difficult to imagine that a clothing company would appeal to them simply by announcing it makes apparel “For Us By Us.” When blacks lose demographic dominance in an area, it is considered problematic, if not a major political issue.
Of course, one thing Black Nationalism in the United States doesn’t ask for is political independence. In fact, it knows that it must rely on the goodwill of white society, or its judges and bureaucrats at least, and asks for more giveaways. This is in part framed as a matter of historical justice. Under Black Nationalist thought, everything that the rest of the country has exists through the efforts of slaves. This seems like a cope more than anything, but black political elites have an incentive to cater to this delusion, since they live pretty good lives under a racialized American regime. Demands for self-determination are therefore localized and limited in scope, but other than this Black Nationalism in the US looks like a fairly typical ethnonationalist movement.
What Key-Vin Somewhat Looks Like!
"That's what I was thinking...fuck that guy...he's a loser...has a black son...child abuse..." - Key-Vin* my darker skinned, mostly Hawaiian, but part Chinese, etc. next door neighbor and the baby daddy of the girl that I mention above (his baby mama is half white and about 37.5% Hawaiian, fairly attractive, and attracted to me). Key-Vin hears me refer to my roommate as a NIGGER, specifically a dumb NIGGER and believes I'm unconsciously referring to a child of mine or maybe a child of his. But neither I nor Key-Vin have a black child and the only blacks Key-Vin knows are the ones he listens to in rap songs (like the majority of part Hawaiians on these islands, Key-Vin has had very little contact and experience with blacks, so he doesn't realize that my description of my roommate as a NIGGER** is a very accurate one).
Here's Another. I Don't Think Javin Is A Biblical Name Or An English Name Or A Name Found On The Contiguous 48 US States. I Think It's A Name Specific To Poor, Native Children Born On These Islands. By The Way, What's The Meaning Of Level Up?! That Phrase Seems Like It's NIGGER Ebonics!*When I first met him and got his name I repeated it to him (pronounced it out loud) to make sure that I'd gotten it right ("Key-Vin like 'key' and 'vin' as in vin number?") and he said "yeah" then I chuckled to myself. Let's learn about poor, Native mother's like his that give unusual, wholly contrived names to their offspring in the below links.
What kind of parent is most likely to give a child such a distinctively black name? The data offer a clear answer: an unmarried, low-income, undereducated, teenage mother from a black neighborhood who has a distinctively black name herself. Giving a child a super-black name would seem to be a black parent’s signal of solidarity with her community—the flip side of the “acting white” phenomenon. White parents, meanwhile, often send as strong a signal in the opposite direction. More than 40 percent of the white babies are given names that are at least four times more common among whites.
**A NIGGER is a quarrelsome, combative, obstinate, uncooperative, uncompromising, unapologetic, crass (foul-mouthed), lower class, low IQ, socially and sexually uninhibited darkie that lives off of the government (government housing, government checks). I'm currently doing research among these people, so I'm resigned to live with one (these are uneducated, unsophisticated, rural*** people). I pray none of you ever have to encounter/interact with one (a NIGGER).
*I've Met A Number Of Part Hawaiians With Non-Hawaiian First Names That I've NEVER Encountered On The Contingent 48 States. Key-Vin Happens To Be One! I Think This Cultural Trend Is Similar To The Black Phenomenon Of Creating Completely Original Names For Black Offspring. See Below.
Let Me Also Mention That Key-Vin Stole This Rooster And He Stole It So That He Could Attach Razor Blades To It And Enter It Into A Cock Fight. I Believe He Collected Roosters Throughout Hauula And Surrounding Communities To Eventually Pit Them Against One Another In Deadly Fights. Again, These Are Low Socioeconomic, Rural People That Find Base, Depraved Activities Entertaining.
How About DENTON? Have Any Of You Ever Met A Person With The First Name DENTON? If You Recall, I Texted DENTON Inquiring About His Mobile Car Washing Business (I Was Hoping To Find My Roommate Another Job). That Was The First DENTON I'd Ever Interacted With In My Life! (I Have No Idea What DENTON Looks Like Since I've NEVER Seen Him In Person. I Was Given His Number By A Samoan Weightlifting Acquaintance From Kahuku Named Don!)