Monday, December 26, 2022

Look Here, You Lil God Dam Nigger - The Babbies At Mitchell Slickster's At 6 In Tha Moooaaanin'

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This is why some people can be aggressively egalitarian to some groups, and viciously prejudiced to others. It is also why it is very important to change norms about prejudice and be very mindful of the norms we communicate.

A police officer is 375 TIMES more likely to be killed by a black suspect than an unarmed black person is to be killed by police. A police officer is 875 TIMES more likely to be killed on the job than an unarmed black person is to be killed by a cop.

The gunning down of 12-year-old Collin Mullins for playing in an abandoned backyard only got 3k USD on go fund me thanks to only local coverage. Ralph Yarl amassed over 3 million in a few days. White lives r worth 1/1,000 that of a black it's quantifiable

The black guy below shot and killed this white Safeway worker for no reason in Napa county Yes, white Napa Seriously why haven’t you heard of this? Amaud arbery got specials on 20/20 and 48 hours Where’s this white guys special? They hate you

6 blacks brutally beat a white teenager. They demanded his shoes. Even after he gave them his shoes, the blacks continued to attack the kid. No national news coverage. No condemnation from NAACP. No marches by "civil rights" groups. That's because the white kid's life doesn't matter.

Sooo when are we taking to the streets again?