Sunday, December 11, 2022

"She Envious Of Peter Because He Gets All Of The Attention" - Dick Dag While Speaking To My Brother Gery As They Prepared For An 8th Grade Basketball Game Of Mine That They Were Coaching The Following Day (Dick Was Referring To My Brother Steven's Ugly, Unintelligent, Barrio Raised Esposa - The Fact That She Was Envious Of ME Because I Was A Much Better Player Than Her Son Carl And Was Highly Admire By Fans, Friends, And Families)

"Lil Nice Ass Wigga Gets No Respect!" - Mr. Free In Reference To ME!

Go to Dave Martinik's Facebook page. See David Martinik's now deceased father*? After a game at St. Marks** in Hacienda Heights in 1992 (a game I dominated like just about all of the other games I played at that school) his now deceased father approached my father and brother Gery and in slurred speech (his father was an alcoholic) said, "all you god damn Filipinos are cheaters." (This was just after this incident and he didn't know my father's racial makeup), so Gery pushed him to the floor. I mention this because Dave's dad, like many of the fathers that coached against my father or had a son playing in youth leagues against me, despised us because we constantly won (typically in dominant fashion) and I constantly dominated their sons*** . (I brought two players to tears during games in this league. They are Scott Jackson and Brandon Jelani Reed (This was when Brandon was living on Nicoya Drive There were probably other players I brought to tears, but they probably did so behind closed doors once they got home.)

Richard Dagampat, who was a great prep coach in his day.

Because I dominated my age group in the St. Marks league I was placed in the 8th grade division during my 7th grade year. Like usual, my father formed a team of random players (random 8th graders) and one of those players happened to be Monty Martin.  We finished 3rd that season (not 1st like we did in previous seasons) and when my father spoke to the team after the game he told them that that " was the worst season he'd ever had". But Monty was elated. In fact, he told another teammate of mine that day, "I hated him [my father] at the beginning of the season, but this was the best season I ever had."

When I Return To California This Year I'm Going To Look For Brandon Jelani Reed. He's Most Likely Somewhere In The South. Why Do I Believe This? Because He Was Anti-White, So He'd Want To Be Where The BROTHAS And SISTAS Are. He Doesn't Use Social Media Because He's Antisocial, But His Sister Myiesha Is On Facebook (Last Time I Checked Her Facebook She Was Living In Texas (She's A Graduate Of Tulane)), So I May Contact Myiesha On Facebook Prior To Searching For Brandon Jelani Reed In Real Life). (I Wonder What He Looks Like In Adulthood And How He'll Respond To ME When We Reencounter One Another. If You All Recall, He Was My Closest Friend In Elementary And Junior High! The Last I Heard From Him Was 1997. Steve Cazares Told ME That He'd Seen Him At A Track Meet At Pomona High And That He Told Him To Tell ME That He Said, "What's Up!")

His Dad Bill Was A High Level Executive For The Shell Gas Corporation! 

Dave And Dave's Dad! And That's Eddie Sifuentes ( Between Clay Hix And I. I Believe This Is Eddie's Dad At The Time This Photo Was Taken Eddie's Dad Was The Principal Of Pioneer High School In Whittier!

That's Jeremy Dente's Father, Ernie.

This Is Roger Estrella's Son, Nick. Roger Was A Close Friend And Employee Of My Father.

*Dave's father died of a massive heart attack in 1996. Dave got suspended from Los Altos earlier in the day, returned home and found his father sprawled out, lifeless on the family room floor.



0:40 Jeff Lucas And Ty Watkins A.K.A. Child Molester Were The Main Referees In That League And Had A Hard Time Dealing With My Father (They Couldn't Tolerate His Bombastic, Bellicose Nature And Constant Berating And Belittling Of Them). By The Way, 75% Of That League Was Made Up Of White Players And The Remaining 25% Was Divided Among East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) And White-Washed Mexicans (Such As UCSD Graduate And San Gabriel Valley Tribune Contributer Richard Hernandez)

***Scott Jackson, Brian Polak, Brian Pichon, Eric Worcester Mike Magpayo, Dylan Aquino, Lydell McCullough, Isaac Carter Isaac Carter - Football Coach - University of San Diego AthleticsMax Gebhart

Jonathan Embler Matt Sonefeldt, Adam Valdies, Phil Ciarriacco Danny Decker, Clay Hix, Steve Cazares, Ken Rosentreter (UCLA), Gabe Escovar, Jeff Hess, Adam Milman, Ryan Taguchi, Wes Chen, Greg Harada, Jeff Harada Jeffrey David Harada # 245187 - Attorney Licensee Search, Steve Kim, Paul Chungsu Kim (UCSD), Kenneth Kim, Solomon Hua, Billy Lee Etc., Etc., Etc. The list of players that I dominated in the NJB league was even greater (even greater because we played all throughout Orange County and Los Angeles).  i little boi! that NOT NEVER grow up!

***Scott Jackson was living on Mountain Brook Dr. at the time.
There should be a photo of Mike in a blue NJB jersey posing for a photo at about half court in the middle row of seats at the Forum with Chick Hearns. Why was Mike there and how did he get a photo with Chick? Mike was there because Kevin Graham* and I led that team to an appearance at the Forum (we won the championship for our division in the San Gabriel Valley/North Orange County section of NJB and beat numerous other teams from LA and Orange County) and he was able to take a picture with Chick because his father (Lito Magpayo) was a cameraman for CBS News and would often record Lakers games, so he knew the Lakers players, Lakers coaches, Lakers management, etc.

After an NJB All Star Game at Fullerton High School In 1992 (I was in 7th grade and all of the guys from Hacienda Heights on my team were in 8th Grade) in which we beat a team from south Orange County and  led the team to victory (led the team in scoring) Christian De La Vara's father stared menacingly at my brother Gery (the assistant coach of my father's team) as he walked through the hallway entrance of the gym to exit the gym. Why did Christian De La Vara's father stare menacingly at my brother Gery? Because his son Christian didn't play and he didn't play because he missed a practice, didn't practice well, and neither my father nor Gery liked his attitude. But these reasons didn't matter to Christian's father who felt that his father was unjustly benched. When my father, Gery, and I got into our car to leave Gery said that Christian's father was lucky that he (Gery) didn't throttle him (Christian's father) in front of his wife and son (the gym was at capacity for this game - 500+ people).    

*Kevin Graham was a preferred walk-on to UCR's basketball team in 1996. (Gery made an accurate prediction when I was in 6th grade. He sat me down and gave me a long talk about basketball, school, and life and during that conversation he said, "you and Kevin Graham have the potential [athletic ability and skill set] to play college basketball". As you're all aware Kevin realized that potential whereas I, because of unfortunate circumstances, did not. Tela Girl, These Boots Were Made For Walking And That's Just What They'll Do! One Of These Days These Boots Are Going To Walk All Over You!
Joe Brought Me Onto His AAU team in 1989 and that's where I met and played with and against a number of future DI players such as the 3 below! I was with this group for about 4 years.

4:37 The School Mr. Reed Meant To Say Was Nogales And The Player They're Referring To Is Named Larry Singletary Whom I Discovered In 6th Grade.