2. Implications for Foreign Conquest and Alien Rule
What theoretical and empirical implications does the evolutionary
psychological perspective on war and intergroup conflict have for foreign conquest
and alien rule?
One immediate implication is the sex difference in the consequences for the
conquered. The evolutionary psychological perspective suggests that access to
reproductive women is the ultimate goal of all wars and intergroup conflict, including
foreign conquest and alien rule. On the one hand, this unfortunately means, as I
suggest above, that the rape of young women by the conquering soldiers would be a
routine part of war and conquest, part of the goal rather than a byproduct (Shields and
Shields 1983).
On the other hand, the perspective simultaneously implies that women will not
be killed by the conquering soldiers, because they are too valuable, while all men will
be killed. Among many primate species, when one group attacks and conquers
another, all the males are immediately killed or driven out, while the females remain
and mate with the conquering males, except for older females, who are also killed.
Among the chimpanzees of Gombe, for example, "the response of adult males to a
"stranger" female -- that is, a female unknown to the human observers and presumed
to be from a neighboring community -- depends to a large extent on her age and
reproductive state" (Goodall 1986, p. 493). Among the Yanomamö,
The stated object of a raid is to kill one or possibly two men and
escape. If the raiders can do so without risking losses, however, they
may abduct a woman from the enemy village. The abducted woman
will be raped by all the raiders, taken to their village, raped by the
remaining men in the village, and then given as a wife to one man.
She can expect to spend the rest of her life with her new companions
(Wrangham and Peterson 1996, p. 67).
Strictly from the genetic perspective, it does not matter for the female with
whom she mates and reproduces, because the resulting offspring will always have
half her genes, regardless of whether the other half comes from the males of her
native (now conquered) group or the foreign (conquering) group. In some sense,
females should prefer to mate with the conquering males, because they have proven
themselves to be superior on average to the native males (most of whom are now
dead). As generations of German, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese women in the
20th century can attest, human females may sometimes prefer to mate with the
conquering males under alien rule.
This reasoning leads me to suggest that women have less to fear from foreign
conquest and alien rule than men do. Of course, it is terrible to face the risk of being
raped repeatedly by the conquering soldiers, but it could not be worse than the
certainty of death, especially since, if they survive, the women from the conquered
group have the option of marrying into the conquering group and reproducing with
the conquerors, who might possess superior genes. And the conquering soldiers are
much less likely to kill the (potential or actual) mothers of their offspring.
However, this option is open only to reproductive females. As the case of
chimpanzee wars shows, older females are "useless" to the conquering males and thus
face the same certain death as males do. I thus suggest two complementary
hypotheses for the implications of the evolutionary psychological perspective on wars
and intergroup conflict for foreign conquest and alien rule.
H3: Younger (reproductive) women fear alien rule less than younger men.
H4: Older (postreproductive) women do not fear alien rule less than older
For foreign conquest and alien rule, the evolutionary psychological
perspective suggests that women should fear alien rule much less than men, but only
so long as they are reproductive, because they then have a good chance of being
spared by the conquerors and have the option of marrying into them. Accordingly,
the analyses of the Eurobarometer data show that young women are much less
xenophobic than young men, but the sex differences disappear around age 50.
Apply This Hypothesis To Hawaii! When Foreign Males First Arrived In Large Numbers To Hawaii (1800s) They Killed And Ostracized The Indigenous Males Leaving The Fertile Indigenous Females To Fertilize (Reproduce With). Now That Foreign Colonization Is Complete Foreign Males No Longer Use Violence And Derogation To Achieve These Ends (Impregnating Native Females). They Now Achieve These Ends Through Economic Warfare And Social Warfare (Attaining Greater Wealth And Higher Status Than Native Males Thus Allowing Them To Out-compete Native Males For Native Females And Ultimately Outbreed Native Males). Evidence Of This Native Hawaiian Male Mating Exclusion Rests In The Fact That The Majority Of Living Male Hawaiians Have European And East Asian Y-chromosomes. TO BE CONTINUED... (Here's One Of Thousands Of Examples
One Of Thousands Of Examples Of Foreign Males Being Preferred Over Native Males By Native Women.)
"[The genetic data suggests the] Ashkenazi intermarriage rate with outsiders must have been less than one in 500 per generation...
The Jewish community’s central position in medieval European life makes its genetic isolation even more remarkable."
This Is The Mating Behavior That I Espouse For Native Hawaiians (Avoid Outbreeding).
Listen To The Video In The Above Link! It Will Explain What Unfettered Female Sexual Psychology And Mating Behavior Will Do To A Society And Race Of People.
I'll Add More Of Rollo's Tweets To Help You Understand What Female Political Power And Influence And Its Accompanying Feminist Agenda Does To A Society And Race Of People.
Look At What Liberalism And Its Feminist Imperative Has Done To The Hawaiian Race - Slowly Ushering It Into Extinction Through Multiculturalism And Interracial Breeding.
"The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality."– Roissy
Price and his colleagues have come up with what they call “the female economic dependence theory of anti-promiscuity morality.” It states that “opposition to promiscuity arises in circumstances where paternity certainty is particularly important,” and predicts it is likely to arise “in environments in which women are more dependent economically on a male mate.”
In other words, these feelings are a remnant of some of the oldest impulses in our evolutionary history: A man’s fear of getting stuck with the tab for raising another man’s child, and a woman’s fear of losing her man’s financial support because he suspects her child isn’t his.
Definition of feminism: A political and cultural movement to remove all taboos and restrictions on female sexuality and to stigmatize and regulate, legally if necessary, male sexuality
What Does Liberalism Result In? Feminism. What Does Feminism Result In? Females Having Greater Sexual Freedom Resulting In They Pursuing A Short-term Mating Strategy, Breeding Outside Of Their Race, And Creating Single Parent (Single Mother) Families. In Other Words, Creating A Culture And Society Like That Which You Find In Hawaii!