This is in reference to a basketball league similar to the Drew League held at Crenshaw High School in the 90s.
Kris Johnson
Joel Francisco
I attended this game with my father and Bryan Gelfand (Muir vs. H.H. Wilson 1993). We sat towards the northeastern side of the gym. Just prior to tip off Joel Francisco walked into the gym and sat a few rows beneath us. As we were walking back to the car after the game my father said, "I let that guy stay at my house and he doesn't have the decency to say 'hello' to me?" My father was upset about Joel not acknowledging him and expressing gratitude to him.
Damien Jones, Hacienda Heights Wilson
Damien Jones to the left in this photo had nearly 40 points in that game against Muir. Damien was recruited by a number of DI schools, including Arizona, but because of academic problems he attended
*Joel's father was an alcoholic and his parents were going through a divorce at the time he (Joel) stayed with us for a few months. (J.F., the person that created the videos above isn't Joel Francisco, but it may be someone similar to he (blonde haired, blue-eyed, white devil in his 50s).
Did I Tell You All About My Brother Richie Knocking Out A BIG White Boy At This Gym (The Whittier Rec.) In The Late 80s Then Getting On His Knees And Biting Him In The Chest* (Leaving The Big Honky With A LOVE Mark Near His Heart)? After Playing At This Gym In The 90s With My Brother David And Driving Back To Hacienda Heights He Told ME Some More Stories About Richie And Said, "If He Keeps That Up [His Violent Ways] He's Gonna End Up In The BIG House [The Pinta]"! And I Laughed!
*"Chest Lookin' Like It Been Ate By A Shark" - Lilo
As I've Previously Stated, Brandon Matsui Played On The Wilson JV Basketball Team And Was Really Impressed With My Playing Style. He'd Recently Transferred From Diamond Bar High School To Live With His Father That Lived Off Of Punta Del Este. His Father Had Remarried To Another White Woman And This White Woman Had Older Children Of Her Own (Children Around My Older Siblings Age). Long Story Short, He Told One Of His Older Step Sister's (A White Girl In Her
Late 20s At The Time) About Me And She Said A
"Dagampat? I Know His Older Siblings...His Sister Diane Was Voted* Most Amiable And His Brother Richie Was Voted Most Likely To Murder Someone."
*End Of The Year High School Awards.
"An Ordinary Guy Like Me" - G. Dagampat
Oh, My God, Guys! I Can't Even Make A Layup. I Can't Even Make A Layup Against A Fat, Asian Guy No Less. How Could I Ever Make A Layup Against A High Hopping, Highly Athletic Nigga? HA! I've Done More Than Just Make Layups Against High Hopping, Highly Athletic, Highly Skilled Blacks. But I Have No Video Proof. Anyway, In The Championship Game Of This Tournament I Had About 12 Points And 10 Assists And A Few Of Those Points Came In The Form Of Shots Made Over The 6'9 Nigga On The Opposing Team Who Played In The NBA D-League.
The Shots I Made Over Him Looked Like This!
I Did More Than Just Make A Fancy Pass In This Game. I Scored 16 Of My Teams 30 Or So Points In This Game Just As I Scored 15 Of My Teams 30 Or So Points In The Previous Game And About 10 Points In The Game Prior (The Length Of These Games Were Only One Half, So I Was On My Way To 30+ And 20+ Point Games Had They Been Played In Entirety), But What Do You Expect? I Was Playing Against A Bunch Of NOBODIES (Guys That Had Probably Never Even Played High School Basketball). Why Didn't You See More Highlights Of ME From These Games? Probably Because The G00FY MEXICANS That Threw This Tournament And Run GOLD NET Didn't Like My Aggressiveness, Disagreeableness, Arrogance And Boisterousness, Which They Got A Glimpse Of While I Was Playing! (The Indians On My Team Asked ME To Play With Them. Prior To These Games I'd NEVER Played With The Majority Of Them. I'd Only Played With A Couple Of Them At The 24 Hour Fitness At The Village In Orange. P.S. I Was The One That Invited Anthony Lennear.)

Cody is a football player that happened upon AAU basketball then tried his hand at it (through his hat into the ring). Accordingly, I don't respect his coaching ability (he knows little basketball strategy and even less about managing players and a team). Look at the way he runs his AAU teams. He lets the Mayates dictate him (he's at their mercy). Cody does whatever the Mayates say as long as he can make his pay! For instance, if a Mayate stops practice and says to Cody, "Ven aqui puta y chupame Huevos!" Cody'll* chupa that Mayate's Huevos! Cody does whatever it takes to appease the Mayates and keep the sponsors (the people that pay for he and his Mayates) satisfied.
*If, while on his knees chupando the Mayate's Huevos, the Mayate says to Cody, "sosten mi pito y masturbame", Cody'll hold that nigger's dick and jack him off! Cody'll do anything to keep the money coming in (not lose the financial backing of his sponsors).
Do you see Willie here? He doesn't have the lateral quickness to stay in front of me (defend me) and he's had that problem since I was in 6th grade. Why? because he doesn't have explosive quickness or explosive hops (as I've previously stated, he can't dunk). His game is somewhat similar to a white boy's in the sense that he's a consistent outside shooter!
His Mexican siblings are similar. A quick, high leaping, defensively skilled player would easily locked them up.

Will Lowcash play in the NBA once his college career comes to an abrupt end (likely the 1st round of the NCAA tournament)? NO. Why? because, like the two players that I mention above, Lowcash is a set shooting, white boy that lacks explosive quickness, big hops, and ridiculous handles. Or, to put it in formal English, Lowcash lacks the lateral quickness, jumping ability, and exceptional eye-hand coordination (dribbling and passing ability) to compete with the top basketball players in the world (i.e. he can't successfully compete against blacks in the top 1% of athleticism)..So where will he play? He'll play in the NBA summer league this coming summer (summer 2024) then spend his first few years as a professional in the G-League as a bench player and has been (getting limited time). Then, once his G-league career comes to an end (once he doesn't reach the NBA after several years in the G-League) he'll likely play in one of the top European Leagues where he'll get lost and go unnoticed. Ten years from now, after his professional career has come to an end, you may see him balding with a beer belly playing in The Tournament and think to yourself, "that's the ballless guy, that's the guy that didn't have the balls to take the final shot in his final college game! What a loser!" I don't believe he'll ever see the light of day in the NBA.
This Is What Lowcash Would Look Like If He Were To Play In The NBA! That's If He Got Past The Perimeter Defender Without The Help Of A Screen!
Lowcash is a defensive liability, not just because he's shorter, but because he doesn't have the will and work ethic to play G00D D, nor the lateral quickness, jumping ability, timing ability, and instinctiveness to play G00D D! This is just another reason why he'll NEVER see time in the NBA.
I got to this game with about 13 minutes remaining in the first half and about 5 minutes later the fellow pictured above walked in with his white son and sat directly in front of me (the northeast end of the bleachers). He continued to sit there for the remainder of the 1st half and while he sat there he seemed to be waiting for me to say 'hello' to him (I met him at Hauula Park several years ago and had seen him around Hauula a number of times), but I remained quiet* (I said nothing to him) because I'm not a talkative or sociable person. He, however, said several things under his breath and they are: "yes**...that's what I was thinking...who [who are you and your father and brothers] [you, your father, and brothers are black] better [at basketball]...can he finish [finish around the basket and finish school]...DUNK IT...weirdo...don't touch my son..."
*I suffer from social anxiety and it manifests itself in a fear to speak and be seen (looked at) in public. In fact, when my social anxiety is elevated I get the feeling that everybody's watching me, analyzing me, and scrutinizing me, which leads to my body becoming stiff (I tense up) and my movement becoming rigid (my neck movement in particular becomes robotic).
I need therapy! And a stiff drink!
**He may think that I'm in Hawaii to find the LOVE of my life and get married. Or, maybe he think I'd want to develop a relationship with one of his daughters. He's WRONG on both accounts.
Look At ME! After taking this picture of myself after the above game I called Mike Magapayo and left a message and part of the message was, "you'll always be a fat boy to me, a nobody to me and every time I watch you you're going to lose!" I watched him coach in this game and guess what? They lost. Last night (03/14/24) I watched him coach in this game from a bar and they lost. So far my words have held true. Here's a quick story. My mom forced me to visit Mike Magpayo at the Magpayo home when I was either in 5th or 6th grade and, like usual, Mike's youngest sister Krystal followed me around and pestered me (she'd do this every time I'd visit them). So, to vent the anger that I had for having to be at Mike's and get pestered by his youngest sister, I sat down and watched TV while Mike and his younger brother Mark shot hoops outside then I called his youngest sister over, had her hold her hand in front of me then bit down (viciously chomped) on her index finger! When Krystal immediately screamed and ran to her eldest sister Katrina I fled the house, but I fled with glee and the glee came from the fact that I'd NEVER visit their house again. A similar incident occurred when I was about the same age when my mother forced me to attend Matt Sonfeldt's party at his parent's home! While my mom was driving me to his home I begged her not to drop me off there because I wasn't friends with him (he was a non-athletic, nerd that associated with an entirely different crowd than me), but my mother forced me to attend that party and I got into several scuffles. Why did my mother make me go to homes of boys that I wasn't too fond of? Likely because those boys had parents that attended St. John Vianney and she wanted to develop/maintain good relationships with those parents since she was a highly active, high status member of the church!
I Last Saw Matt In 1997. He Was Seating Parishioners At The 5:15 PM Mass At St. John Vianney (He Was An Usher) And As He Approached My Father And I (My Father And I Were Seated At The Very Left End Of Our Pew) Matt Stopped To Extend His Right Arm/Hand Over My Body To Greet My Father And Tell Him "Mr. Dagampat, I'll Be Attending UCLA Next Fall" As He Completely Ignored ME. Once He Was Done Speaking My Father Asked ME Who He Was.
Gery Jumped Higher Than This. Additionally, He's About 3 Inches Taller. So, I Sneak The Ball Over The Rim While He Would Put His Whole Hand Along With The Ball Threw The Rim! And Gery Could Shoot The Lights Out. I'm An Inconsistent Shooter. Gery Could Consistently Knock Down Shots From Anywhere On The Floor. For Instance, Rather Than Making 3 Shots In A Row Like That Which I've Done Above, Gery Would Make 10!
With The Left! Because My Roommate Broke My Right Arm!
"Get Up Out That Hoooooonda!" - Aww The Rich Nigga!
The Honda isn't a car Gery drove. Gery doesn't drive anything less than $75,000. I drove the Honda. David received the Honda from Tam Nguyen ( because David's SUV was being repaired, but he (David) ended up letting me drive it. This was in 2006-2007. About a month after I began driving the Honda I was at the four way stop at Ardmore Avenue and Pier Avenue in Hermosa Beach ( and as I headed southbound on Ardmore and neared the crosswalk on Pier/Ardmore a white, teenage skater came barreling down Pier Avenue, attempted to Ollie over the Honda, but wound up landing head first into the Honda's front windshield, shattering the windshield and damaging the hood*. Several months after this I was arrested for D.U.I #2 and driving on a suspended license in the city of Pomona while driving the Honda in its damaged condition! Did I mention that Gery had relations with a number of Mexican females but the one he ultimately had children with was inferior (of low genetic quality)?
*On The H60D! H62D Shit! Yes, I Did Stop The Honda After Being Hit By The White Boy And Exited The Car, Opened The Trunk Of The Car, Removed A Towel And Wrapped It Around The White Boy's Profusely Bleeding Head As He Tried To Get To His Feet To Flee (I Told Him To "Just Stay Down"). Onlookers Approached Us And Told ME That The White Boy Caused The Wreck (That He'd Tried To Ollie/Jump Over The Car) And When The Police Arrived These Same Onlookers Came To My Defense And Explained To The Police That I Wasn't At Fault. Luckily, The Police Were Just (Fair) Because They Let ME Go In Spite Of Driving On A Suspended License (I Told Them Where I Lived (That I Didn't Have Far To Go) And They Said 'Drive The Car Home And Leave It There.')
This article will lead you to believe the WRONG thing. Gery was a starter on this team and led the team in a number of categories, most importantly, scoring.
Gery Led His Team In Scoring In Both High School And College. He Averaged About 20 Both In High School And College. He Played Varsity All 4-Years And At The First High School He Attended (Sunny Hills In Fullerton) He Was The Starting Point Guard And People Said He Was The Best Freshman To Play In The Freeway League Since Mark Wulfemeyer.
1977-1978. This is Gery at Wilson High School during his sophomore year (his sophomore year when he was the starting point guard on Wilson' varsity basketball team). During the summer of 1979 Gery was one of several dozen players from throughout southern California to be invited to a USA basketball camp in Los Angeles and each week they'd eliminate players. Gery and Cecil Fielder were the only 2 players from the San Gabriel Valley to make the final cut (to make the 10 man team).
Gery Should Have Been A Division I Basketball Player, But He Had A Bad Attitude, Fought A Lot, And Didn't Go To School!
Gery Coached With His Son Bruce At Victor Valley College In The Early 90s.
Coach Gene Victor was interested in the Wilson backcourt of Dwayne Williams and Gery Dagampat, so he set up a meeting with Wilson's head coach John Crowther ( to begin the recruiting process of both Dwayne and Gery, but due to the fact that Coach Crowther didn't like Gery he didn't tell Gery about the meeting, so Gery never showed and coach Gene Victor decided not to recruit him. It wasn't until several years later (maybe 1982) when Gery met with Coach Victor in an attempt to resume his collegiate basketball playing career did he find out about the meeting.
(Raul Carrera Isn't Pictured! Gery Beat Raul Carrera Up While They Were Living Together In Napa! Why? because Raul Carrera Called Gery Dumb!)
Bounce Pass To Stockton!
"I'm John Stockton" - Lamar Gery Played With Kevin Magee In Those Laguna Beach Tournaments. They Won It Together A Couple Of Times.
 Gery was recruited by Dayton University after his 8th grade year. He had a scrap book that contained letters of interest from Dayton's head coach (whose name is stated in the program above).
I Don't Think Lowcash Knows Whose Hand He's Shaking! If He Did He'd Hold The Hand Shaker's Gaze Longer And Closely Listen To What He Has To Say! Instead, Lowcash Turns His Gaze Away (Turns His Attention Away From The Handshaker) To Look For The Next Fan To Heap Praise On He.

Picture Perfect! I Paint A Perfect Picture! - Paco Scotty Brooks Couldn't Check Gery! Dave Severns.
Dave Played In Those Laguna Beach Tournaments And Saw Gery Light Up Many A Guy, Including Him (Gery Light Up Dave)!
Leon Wood Is Another Big Named Player That Played In That Laguna Beach Tournament And Another Player That Had Trouble Guarding Gery!
Gery and David played in this league almost from its inception and won the title in the highest division several times. In either 1990 or 1991 a CBA scout approached Gery after a game and got his (Gery's) contact information. He was really impressed with his athletic ability and basketball playing skills. I don't know if that CBA scout ever contacted Gery! |