Monday, January 11, 2021

68 "Stairway To NeveaH (Heaven)" - The Rifleman (CVE)

Not everyone. Crashing fertility rates—especially in the developing world—is a good development. It’s only a problem for the high IQ segment of mostly high IQ societies.

That sinking feeling about America's future when you find out that only the less educated from each racial group are above the population replacement rate and the most educated are well below it.
Low fertility among the most advanced groups, combined with high fertility among the least, is an existential threat to the progress of our species.
Genes associated with higher education are associated with fewer children (lower education with more children).

Human evolution in the USA: Education-linked genes being selected against, study suggests

People with a higher genetic predisposition for education and IQ have a lower genetic predisposition for reproductive success. BMI, bodyfat, hip-circumference, waist-circumference, waist-hip-ratio show positive genetic correlation with reproductive success

"the genetic basis of intelligence is declining due to the most intelligent people tending to have the fewest children, as fictionally depicted in the movie Idiocracy...recent research has indicated that such a dysgenic trend is indeed occurring"

The total fertility rate for women who failed to obtain a high school diploma is about twice that of women who obtained a college degree.

Religion, race and fertility (USA). Asians really low.

Recently heard on a podcast saying in the short term, people are becoming more secular but in the long run, because of differential fertility patterns, the religious shall inherit the earth.
I'm Looking For A Picture Of A Pregnant Female With A Tattoo Of A Crucifix On Her Belly And Scripture Written On The Rest Of Her Body (Biblical Passages On The Head, Torso, And Appendages). This Family Picture Will Have To Do Until I Find A Photo Of A Girl Like The One I Just Described.
Something Like This, But On The Gut!

A pregnant pattern: religion has a future.

Be fruitful and multiply. (Yahweh, 8th Century BCE) 

Proverbs 18:22 ! He who finds a WIFE finds a good thing ! And he shall receive favor from God !
If You Likes It Putta Ring On It!
Religious Doctrine, Religious Belief Function The Same As This Roman Legislation - Encourages And Some Instances Mandates Reproduction.

"Some Call It A Problem, But I Call It A Gift!" - Exhibit A
Religion is just one, particularly salient, example. There are many other systematic cognitive errors that would fall under this classification.

The Human Mind Didn't Evolved To Acquire And Apply Beliefs That Are True. It Evolved To Acquire And Apply Beliefs That Aid In Social Survival And Reproduction And These Beliefs Are Often Untrue
“our brains were shaped for fitness, not for truth. Sometimes truth is adaptive, but sometimes it is not. Conflicts of interest are inherent to the human condition, and we are apt to want our version of the truth, rather than the truth itself, to prevail”

Religiosity As A Mating Strategy!

Roman emperors, for example, created harems of females guarded by eunuchs, while Joseph Smith, when he founded the Mormon religion, formalized polygamy, arguing that God wouldn't have made women so enticing if he wanted to limit a man to one woman.

However, Smith was keen to note that the same rules didn't apply to women.

In his handwritten documents, Smith relays how the Lord told him: "And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery, for they belong to him… But if one or either of the ten virgins, after she is espoused, shall be with another man, she has committed adultery, and shall be destroyed… according to my commandment."

Not surprisingly, women often find this sexual hypocrisy baffling and logically inconsistent.